Fallout New Vegas Gatling Laser


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Favorite Fallout New Vegas Weapons interactive top ten list at TheTopTens®. Vote, add to, or comment on the Favorite Fallout New Vegas Weapons. 42 Gatling Laser. An overpowered beast tears through deathclaws like paper. 43 Debug Megapistol. Compared to the Gatling laser of Fallout 3, it has significantly higher DPS and ammunition consumption rates. With the carbon fiber frame mod the weapon becomes remarkably light weight at 9 pounds (identical to a tri-beam laser rifle). The Gatling laser model includes a large metal pack that appears on the back of anyone using it. How to get brush gun fallout new vegas is your source for Rebate Sale/Clearance at Gun Store parts and accessories. Shop our vast selection and save! Pros how to get brush gun fallout new vegas Aesthetically Pleasing, Easy To Install, Good Value, Safe, Tough.


Bob has a Really Big Gun. It's noisy, destructive, and probably has an endearing nickname. But the main thing that shows everybody what a BFG it is... is the way he holds it.

With a chainsaw-style fore handle and a grip in the back, firing from the hip.

Now, this would be a really stupid thing to do in Real Life for various reasons, but in assorted media it has basically become the default way of depicting oversized man-portable weaponry. It can also be used specifically because it is stupid: to imply that the weapon is so devastating there's no need to aim, and/or that the wielder doesn't care about cover.

Also note that any gun heavy enough to require this sort of grip needs to be mounted to realistically use as a weapon—the Browning .50 Caliber is much smaller and lighter than any examples below, but a normal human cannot steady it against the recoil and muzzle climb. This can be somewhat more justified if the weapon in question is an energy weapon like a laser and recoil is a non-issue, or if the wielder is wearing strength-enhancing Power Armor that makes them strong enough to compensate for the recoil (yet doesn't give them the strength to carry the gun properly).


Fallout 76 Laser Gatling Gun

Frequently appears in conjunction with Gatling Good and Removable Turret Guns.

Compare Gangsta Style and Guns Akimbo for firearms techniques similarly based on Rule of Cool. However, unlike those, this is not a grip by choice, but a set-up of handles built into the gun, and often there isn't any other way to wield it.


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  • Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team has the Type 09 sniper cannon used by Sanders' RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type, firing 180x800mm high-explosive rounds from a eight-round box magazine to a maximum range of three kilometers. While he does fire it from the hip from time to time, it is usually against nearby targets. While sniping, he uses a different stance where he stabs his Gundam's shield into the ground and rests the barrel on it - understandable as according to the Gundam Wiki, the cannon has so much recoil that a GM can't handle it.
  • In Gundam Build Fighters, the climax of the Kampfer Amazing vs. GM Sniper K9 battle features one of these—a gigantic Gatling gun, to be specific. This is a Mythology Gag based on the original Kampfer's fate in Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket. Meanwhile, Maoh's Gundam X Maoh has a Hyper Satellite Cannon so huge and elongated that it has this arrangement of grips just so that the suit can even begin to move the weapon around to aim it.
  • Batou wields a chainsaw-grip minigun in the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex episode 'Annihilation'. Of course, this is a world in which super-strong cyborgs with targeting computers in their brains are a routine occurrence, so it's entirely possible the gun was specifically designed for that kind of person.
  • Season 2 of Sword Art Online features in its first episode a character named Behemoth carrying a heavy machine gun based on the real-life M134 Minigun (which is usually mounted on vehicles like helicopters or cars) this way. Justified due to the fact that it's a videogame, although the thing still has the drawback of being way too heavy to be effective outside of group battles, and makes him a sitting duck without proper support.
  • Atomic Robo: Robo carries one on an action zoology expedition into the Amazon rainforest. Mostly, it's there to make him feel safe despite being surrounded by insects.
  • The Incredible Hercules: Ares has a minigun with the Terminator 2-style chainsaw grip on his Wall of Weapons, along with several other movie shout-outs.
  • A Punisher story occurring during the events of World War Hulk has Frank pursuing a massive alien warlord. He and Micro rig up a shotgun attached to an actual chainsaw, which is, naturally, held like this.
Films — Live-Action
  • The M56 Smartgun from Aliens is a fairly reasonable example, since it also incorporates a powered harness and targeting eyepiece to help with aiming and recoil compensation. Recoil is only a minor issue as the rounds used are relatively low-mass, the 'BFG' part of the weapon is the support systems for the auto-aim. The wielder only has to point the mounting frame in the general direction of the enemy and the auto-targeting systems adjust the specific aim of the weapon to hit targets within its zone of fire.
  • A minigun with this configuration shows up in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, wielded by a gunman during the highway ambush.
  • The minigun from Predator represents the missing link between the actual vehicle-mounted weapon and this trope, having been modified for handheld use (albeit with a M60-style underbarrel grip rather than a chainsaw handle). The film crew's experiences with that prop would eventually lead to the version seen in Terminator 2.
  • The heavy stun-guns used by Johns' crew in Riddick use this configuration.
  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day: The T-800 uses this in the iconic minigun scene, and the GE M134 Minigun used in the film is in fact the first known example of this trope. Also a Justified Trope — it's intended to emphasize the T-800's Super Strength. And having computerized targeting sensors built into him, the T-800 doesn't actually need traditional sights for aiming.
  • Trench 11: A German blasts away the infected with an MG08/18 from the hip with this style of grip.
  • In G.I. Joe: Retaliation, Roadblock (The Rock) twice wields a Ma' Deuce in this fashion, as part of a shooting competition and in actual combat. This also happens to be a nod to the comics and original action figure where the Browning is Roadblock's standard weapon.
  • In a flash-forward due to Negative Space Wedgie in the Babylon 5 episode 'Babylon Squared', Garibaldi is seen using some sort of Gatling PPG this way against unseen aggressors.
  • The Vindicator Minigun from Shadowrun is designed with this in mind.
  • Warhammer 40,000:
    • Space Marines (and Sergeant Harker of the Catachan II Regiment) wield Heavy Bolters in this fashion (only the forward grip is parallel to the barrel instead of chainsaw-style). Plasma Cannons and Multi-Meltas follow the same design principles (although these are also used bazooka-style by Space Marines). Note that, because of their superhuman physiques and Powered Armorwith integrated targeting systems, it's not as unreasonable with the Space Marines as in most cases.
    • Eldar Dark Reapers wield their Reaper Launchers like this, and maintain their accuracy by virtue of rigid locking bracing mechanisms in their armor, recoilless munitions, and their psychic abilities.
    • Dark Eldar Scourges use their splinter cannons and dark lances like this. Their aim is kept steady by anti-grav pods under the weapon's barrel.
    • The larger ork guns work like this, notably those wielded by Flash Gitz. Of course, these are orks; accuracy would reduce the fun if it means less dakka.
    • The Tau, since redesigning their XV-88 'Broadside' Battle Suits, now hold their standard Heavy Railrifle in a similar manner (though the foregrip is on the side, rather than top mounted, for the obvious reason that the targeting sight is on top). Much like the Space Marines above, the issues involving this trope is solved via the fact that the Broadside is a Mini-Mecha, and that the gun's sight instead relays the targeting info to the pilot's HUD.
  • A few BattleTech Mechs from the later Dark Age portion of the timeline hold their autocannons this way. The largest example is probably the Atlas III, a huge, slab-sided, and breathtakingly ugly piece of machinery hauling a 35mm rotary autocannon in a one-handed chainsaw grip.
  • Hasbro's NERF series has some massive blasters built in this fashion:
    • The N-Strike EBF-25 Vulcan is one of their largest battery-driven dart blasters, coming in at a mind-numbing 7.7 pounds—it's actually made to be fired from a tripod stand. It features a top grip to allow it to be carried and fired in the manner of this trope.
      • The even more massive Vulcan BF-50 prototype was a full-sized squad automatic weapon in plastic form, meaning that you would have to use the integrated chainsaw grip to even lift the thing—it supposedly weighed over 28 pounds! It was also about 5 feet long, further encouraging use of the supporting grip.
    • The N-Strike Elite Hail-Fire is an electrically-powered flywheel blaster that feeds from a carousel that can fit up to 8 Clip System magazines, and its chainsaw grip is pulled to rotate the carousel and bring a loaded magazine to the chamber.
    • The N-Strike Elite Rhino-Fire is a double-barreled BFG built in a similar vein to the Vulcan, only it feeds from 2 Clip System mags at once and runs on electrical flywheels with barrel housings that reciprocate when firing. Transitioning from the Vulcan's heavier direct plunger that could also be fired manually in single shots also makes it a little bit lighter.
    • The oddly-proportioned Mega Mastodon has a chainsaw grip due to its immense size and 24-dart capacity. It's also the first automatic MEGA blaster.
    • In the Zombie Strike series, there's the Brainsaw, an eight-barrel shotgun with a chainsaw blade running down the middle. It's meant to be fired in a conventional manner, though, with a handguard behind the blade.
    • Nerf's Rival series, which uses foam balls instead of darts for ammunition, includes the Prometheus MXVIII-20K, a blaster with a 200-roundnote hopper and a fire rate that's not to be laughed at.note
    • The Modulus Regulator, although technically modelled after a rifle, does come with a chainsaw grip accessory.
    • A new blaster of this type has been teased ahead of a planned release in the autumn of 2019. Enter the Titan CS-50, with a first-of-its-kind fifty-dart drum and a rotating barrel effect.
  • Other chainsaw-grip toy blasters include the Air Zone Punisher Gatling Blaster and the Dart Zone Scorpion Gatling Blaster.
  • Alien Swarm: Though most are not BFGs, all but three or four of the weapons used by the marines use this setup — presumably because it's somehow more practical when combined with their powered armour (perhaps due to range-of-movement restrictions or increased strength). It's in full force for the Autogun and Minigun though.
  • The large Minigun of Montana from Battleborn is of this type for which he effortlessly lugs around.
  • The Razor Girls from Brütal Legend wield their massive guns (made from Fireboar carcasses) in this manner.
  • Destiny: Cabal Colossi and Strike boss Valus Ta'aurc wield their heavy bolt throwers this way, as does Primus Ta'aun, even after he'd been Taken.
  • Doom: The eponymous BFG-9000 has a rearward grip implying this when found, but no equivalent foregrip, and its first-person sprite doesn't show it in use.
  • Dune II. The Heavy Trooper, favored infantry unit of the Harkonnen and Sardaukar, carries a really big machine gun like this.
  • While not a 'gun' per se, Xiahou Ba's 'Siege Lance' moveset from Dynasty Warriors 8 is wielded in this fashion, and as might be expected from a rocket-powered melee weapon constructed in such a way, it is positively ludicrous in design and effectiveness.
  • Many heavy weapons in the Fallout franchise are used like this, including several incarnations of the Minigun, the 'Incinerator' flamethrower/grenade launcher hybrid from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, each game's version of the Gatling Laser, and the iconic Plasma Caster (aka 'Heavy Plasma Rifle') present in most games in the franchise.
    • In Fallout 4, the Flamer and Junk Jet are wielded this way as well, in addition to the previously mentioned Minigun and Gatling Laser.
  • In Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood, the boss of Doma Castle carries a weapon that is a very literal interpretation of this trope: the gunsaw. Not only is the gunsaw a rapid-firing BFG carried in the manner of a chainsaw, it has an actual chainsaw built into it acting as an underslung (and oversized) bayonet, letting the boss wield it like a melee weapon when he isn’t shooting people.
  • In God Eater Burst, all three gun types for the gun mode of the God Arcs are held in this fashion.
  • The Minigun is held this way in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto V.
  • In the Halo franchise, Spartans, Elites, and Brutes wield detached turrets in this style beginning in Halo 3. Promethean Soldiers join in on the fun in Halo 5: Guardians.
    • The Brute Shot and Sentinel Beam introduced in Halo 2 are handled like this.
  • Zarya's gun in Overwatch originally was mounted on a vehicle; her backstory (former bodybuilder and Olympic-class weightlifter) is used to handwave away the implausibility of her carrying around such a heavy piece of equipment. It doesn't hurt that the weapon itself is explicitly a gravity manipulator.
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda is the first game in the franchise to provide an archetypical Gatling-style weapon, the Kett Soned, which plays all the associated tropes including this one to the hilt. An interesting variation is that the grip is not only used to hold the weapon - racking it back is part of the gun's unique reload animation.
  • Vulcan Raven of Metal Gear Solid does this with an M61 Vulcan cannon, a gun that's so not designed to be man-portable that it's only seen on aircraft and naval vessels in Real Life.
  • In the Monster Hunter series, both Light and Heavy Bowguns use this kind of grip.
  • The Terran Republic Mini Chaingun in PlanetSide 1 is underslung this way (somewhat unusual in that the chainsaw grip is parallel to the weapon body, rather than perpendicular). Averted in the sequel, where the MCG is laid out like a normal rifle. A vocal part of the player base wants the chainsaw one back.
  • The BFG from Quake II is wielded much like this.
  • A variation shows up in Ratchet & Clank: the heavier guns tend to have a second grip on the side rather than on top. Presumably it was done for ease of animation.
  • Brutes in Saints Row: The Third carry oversized heavy weapons fitted with chainsaw grips, both flamethrowers and miniguns. The Boss, being the utter over-the-top Badass s/he is, can naturally use them too.
    • And in Saints Row IV, the DLC weapon 'Merica is all the guns (and a knife) thrown together and carried this way.
  • In Splatoon, the Heavy, Mini, and Hydra Splatling Guns fit this profile; they have an excellent fire rate, but require charging up their bursts, and fully-charged bursts guzzle ink very quickly. The chainsaw grip also affects your aim at extreme angles.
  • In Star Trek Online the 'blast assault' and 'assault minigun' weapon types both use this grip configuration. So does the unique Synchronic Proton Distortion Prototype Assault Rifle (say that three times fast!).
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Assault cannons, oversized weapons carried by the Commando class, are held this way. See the page picture.
  • Team Fortress 2: The Heavy's miniguns all follow this design. The Medigun and its variants use a slightly more sensible design with a pistol grip below the barrel in addition to the top handle. All flamethrowers for the Pyro are held this way too.
  • Man-portable cannons are wielded this way in Torchlight II, but then again, they're not exactly accurate; they just blow out a spray of flame and shrapnel like an extra-large Short-Range Shotgun.
  • Uncharted has two examples, those being the GAU-19 from Among Thieves and Golden Abyss and the DShKnote from A Thief's End and The Lost Legacy. Both weapons can't be used in cover (unlike Drake's Deception's counterpart, the PAK-80), can't be stored on the player's back (obviously), and significantly reduceyour movement speed.note
  • The XCOM clone/tribute game UFO: Extraterrestrials follows this design for most of its heavy weapons, with a few (shoulder-mounted) exceptions.
  • Grenadiers in XCOM 2 use their cannons like this (with an added element of Gatling Good), unlike Heavy soldiers from XCOM: Enemy Unknown, who fire their machineguns from the hip in a slightly more reasonable fashion.
  • Two 40k-inspired examples appear in thisExterminatus Now strip.
  • In The Whiteboard, one of Doc's favorite weapons when the zombies show up is a handheld minigun. His paintball Gatling gun has similar grips.
  • Used for an experimental anti-tank weapon in the Batman Beyond episode 'Armory'.
  • In Transformers Prime, Dreadwing and Skyquake carry their guns this way. Averted by Optimus' minigun, as he's big enough to carry it one-handed (though still under-slung), though he does wield a Gatling gun in this manner in Beast Hunters.
  • The Z6 Rotary Cannon in both Star Wars: Clone WarsandStar Wars: The Clone Wars.
  • In Voltron: Legendary Defender, Hunk's Bayard turns into one of these.
  • Chainsaw grips are now available for shotguns. Of debatable practicality in everyday use, but very much Rule of Cool. SWAT teams sometimes use them (loaded with special breaching rounds) to blow open locked doors, since the added grip lets them reduce muzzle climb when fired.
    • Laser sights significantly improve the accuracy of firing from the hip.
  • Related to the Terminator 2 example:
    • If you have $3500 burning a hole in your pocket, you can order a BB-firing replica of the Terminator 2 minigun.
    • Some paintball enthusiasts have custom-built paintball versions.
  • Quite a few fire hoses appear to have this kind of grip, though usually in this case the fore handle is actually the 'trigger'; you pull it toward yourself to increase the flow rate (it's designed so that the recoil force, which for a flow of several gallons per second is substantial, tends to shut the water off if you can't handle it instead of giving you even more).
  • The KAC ChainSAW is an attempt at an ergonomic LMG. Needless to say, Knights Armament Company decided to use the chainsaw grip.


This is an overview article which contains background information and cross-game comparisons. For game-specific information and stats, see the articles linked on the right.
Gameplay articles
FalloutGatling laser
Fallout 2Gatling laser
Fallout 3Gatling laser
Precision Gatling laser
Fallout: New VegasGatling laser
X-25 Gatling laser
Sprtel-Wood 9700
Fallout 4Gatling laser
Final Judgment
Fallout 76Gatling laser

The Gatling laser is an energy weapon that appears in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout Tactics.


H&K L30 Gatling laserEdit

Gameplay articles: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics

An H&K L30 Gatling laser (also referred to as the Sunbeam Gatling laser[1]). Designed specifically for military use, these were in the prototype stage at the beginning of the Great War. Multiple barrels allowed longer firing before overheating. These models are powered by microfusion cells.

Unnamed Gatling laserEdit

Gameplay articles: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout Shelter

In contrast with the L30 Gatling laser, this model is not only fully automatic and has a much larger ammo capacity, requiring a back-mounted battery pack, but was also mass produced for military use. While they entered service shortly before the war, they quickly became an important part of the arsenal, both of pre-War and post-War factions.

  • For the unique variants found in Fallout 3, see: Vengeance and the precision Gatling laser
  • For the unique variant found in the Fallout: New Vegasadd-on, Gun Runners' Arsenal, see: Sprtel-Wood 9700
  • For other versions in Fallout Shelter, see: rusty Gatling laser, tuned Gatling laser and amplified Gatling laser
  • For the unique version found in Fallout Shelter, see: Vengeance

Second unnamed Gatling laserEdit


Similar to its predecessor, this model is fully automatic providing that charging barrels have not been installed. However, it utilizes a fusion core as ammunition rather than a battery pack.


X-25 Gatling laserEdit

A Gatling laser model that is mounted onto the left arm of the PDQ-88b securitron.


  1. In-game name for the Gatling laser in Fallout Tactics. [1]