Fallout 4 Modern Military Armor Mod

This is a lore summary, presenting intradiegetic or in-universe information about the subject. For game characteristics and similar data, consult the table on the right.
  1. Modern Military Tactics
  2. Fallout 4 Modern Military Armor Mod 1 7 10
  3. Fallout 4 Modern Military Armor

In this post, we’re going to take a look at some of the Best Armor mods for Fallout 4 on the Xbox One. We’ve been covering these posts for PS4, but have no transitioned over to Xbox. There are so many different mods available on the Bethesda site that you truly need to look through.

Game-specific articles
FalloutCombat armor
Brotherhood armor
Fallout 2Combat armor
Combat armor Mk II
Brotherhood armor
Fallout 3Combat armor
Tenpenny security uniform
Rivet city security uniform
Ranger battle armor
Talon combat armor
Lag-Bolt's combat armor
Winterized combat armor
Winterized medic armor
Fallout 3: OAWinterized combat armor
Fallout 3: MZWinterized medic armor
FO: New VegasCombat armor
Combat armor, reinforced
Combat armor, reinforced mark 2
NCR Ranger patrol armor
NCR Ranger combat armor
Van Graff combat armor
Honest HeartsDesert Ranger combat armor
Lonesome RoadUS Army combat armor
Riot gear
Advanced riot gear
Elite riot gear
Fallout 4Combat armor
Sturdy combat armor
Heavy combat armor
Fallout 76Combat armor
Sturdy combat armor
Heavy combat armor
Fallout ShelterCombat armor
Sturdy combat armor
Heavy combat armor
Battle armor
Sturdy battle armor
Heavy battle armor
Merc gear
Sturdy merc gear
Heavy merc gear
Fallout: BoSCombat armor

Combat armor is a general term for any suit of personal body armor employed before the Great War by the United States Armed Forces. Although offering varying degrees of protection, sophistication, and encumbrance, the combat armor is typically among the finest possible options when it comes to personal protection, as it was designed to secure the operator without limiting their protection or fine motor control.[1]

For game-specific articles, see:

  • 7Operators
    • 7.2Post-War
  • 9Gallery
Fallout 4 modern military armor mod

Design[editedit source]

Modelled after the human silhouette and designed to provide balanced protection that does not limit mobility on the battlefield, combat armors are a diverse family of personal body armor of varying degrees of sophistication, from the earliest iterations of the armor developed by the United States Army[2] to the cutting-edge riot gears that came into use prior to the Great War.[3]

Army combat armor[editedit source]

A full suit of Army combat armor used on the Alaskan front.

The first modern type of combat armor developed by the United States Army[2] to the cutting-edge riot gears that came into use prior to the Great War.[4] consisted of individual armored plates manufactured from synthetic fibers[5] attached to standard load-carrying equipment of the infantryman. The individual components included a combat helmet issued with matching goggles in hazardous environs, front and back ballistic plates, and a pair of axillary protectors. Additional forearm protectors were issued to frontline troops.[6] The lower body was protected by a pair of thigh plates, worn together with a groin and kidney protector. The shins, knees, and feet were covered by frontal plates worn over standard combat boots.[7]

The armor was typically worn in conjunction with standard Army fatigues[8] or specialized uniforms designed for it, with various solid color camouflage patterns (including Arctic white, coyote brown, and olive drab). Rank indicators were typically painted on the axillary protectors,[9] with the Army insignia and identification numbers printed on the back plate.[10][7]

  • Standard combat armor

  • Winterized variant

  • Medic variant of the winterized combat armor

  • US Army combat armor

  • Tenpenny security uniform

  • Rivet City combat armor

  • Talon Company armor

  • Ranger battle armor

  • Van Graff combat armor

Standard combat armor[editedit source]

Gameplay articles: Combat armor, Sturdy combat armor, Heavy combat armor

The success of the Army combat armor paved the way for superior models. The most important of these was the general purpose combat armor issued to military units nationwide,[11] with the first Army model relegated to domestic and garrison duties.[2]

The new combat armor was manufactured in three different variants, for wearing with the standard armed services uniform: Light, medium (sturdy), and heavy. The modular suit of armor was manufactured from alloys that offer balanced protection from conventional firearms and energy weapons[12] and provide load-bearing functionality in combat. A new combat helmet model was designed for all three variants, incorporating ear protection and a pair of attachment points for additional equipment, such as lamps (commonly found on surviving units) and targeting or imaging equipment.[13]

The basic, light model was most common, issued widely to troops on the battlefield.[14][11], it consisted of a pair of plates covering the chest and upper back, attached to standard load-bearing equipment, axillary protectors, and a pair of plates covering the thighs.[15] The superior, sturdy combat armor variant was the baseline model. The torso assembly is enhanced with the inclusion of soft body armor from ballistic fiber, overlaid with enlarged hard armor plates providing superior coverage and protection. A groin protector is included by default. Limbs incorporate the axillary and thigh protectors of the lighter model, with the addition of plating on forearms, knees, and lower legs. The entire assembly was intended for units engaged in heavy fighting on the most contested fronts.[16]

The heaviest model of combat armor is a radical departure from the principle of balance that guided the design of combat armor. Emphasizing durability and protection, the heavy variant encloses the entire body in a layer of soft body armor enclosing it almost entirely, with the characteristic armored plates worn on top. The torso assembly incorporates the medium variant upgraded with armor plating enclosing the entire torso, including a characteristic hump that protects the upper back. Arms are sheathed in segmented armor that incorporates additional protection for hands, elbows, and shoulders (heavy axillary protectors include a pair of characteristic pauldrons). Legs are protected even more heavily, with armor plating enclosing the thighs, lower legs, and covering feet.[17]

The standard combat armor was designed to accept numerous modifications, allowing for it to be tailored for specific purposes. Common material included additional reinforcement, “shadowing” (reducing its profile and signature, with a characteristic black finish), and an optional polymer upgrade that replaced the standard combat armor alloy with advanced combat polymers. Functional upgrades were numerous, tailoring the armor's functionality to the mission profile and included special linings (fire-retardant asbestos, radiation-resistant lead, or the unique BioCommMesh enhancing combat drug duration), lightened construction, upgraded combat webbing, melee modifications, weapon stabilization, and various customizations of the armor profile and silhouette to improve performance in close combat.[18]

After the Great War, some factions developed their own modifications. For example, the Brotherhood of Steel armors incorporate a special coating that provides additional protection from background radiation.[18]

Advanced combat armor[editedit source]

Even with the widespread deployment of standard combat armor, work continued on more advanced suits of combat armor. The largest and most successful model was a high-tech armor using advanced defensive polymers to provide a high degree of protection,[19][20] also referred to as battle armor[21] and reinforced combat armor.[22] The advanced model represented a new approach to design, doing away with the modular construction of its predecessors, and was hailed as an advanced personal armor for the 22nd century police officer or soldier: Highly effective against most types of damage and lightweight, unlike the heavy variant of the standard combat armor. Unlike older models, materials used in the advanced combat armor also provided limited protection from radiation by default[23][24] and typically incorporated some form of camouflage by default.[25]


The basic component of this advanced armor is a long-sleeve jumpsuit, incorporating thermal dissipators and general purpose dissipative membranes.[26] It is worn underneath the actual combat armor, manufactured from polymer impact plates providing concussive protection and incorporating additional dissipation cells and membranes.[27][28] The top layer incorporates a single-piece vest enclosing the entire torso, a pair of axillary protectors, armored boots, forearm protectors, and a ballistic helmet with an integrated laser targeting system and a polarized visor. Compared to its older brother, the design is a lot more mobile, with limbs protected by soft armor that doesn't limit fine motor control and agility, and crucial areas of the body hidden under hard armor. The organic, rounded shapes of the armored shell also improve its protective qualities as compared to more angular past models.[29]

Although the advanced combat armor was never fielded in large enough quantities to supplant the standard combat armor, additional variants were created. The combat armor mark II is a heavier set designed for use by shock troops and Special Forces, incorporating additional armor plating and increasing its protective qualities. After the Great War, the Brotherhood of Steel created its own variant that incorporates superior materials and design. Easily recognizable due to polished rivets incorporated into its pauldrons and the blue trim on the edges.[30]

  • A set of advanced armor

  • Full view

  • Mk 2 set

  • Full view

  • Brotherhood variant

Marine armor[editedit source]

Far Harbor, Fallout 76

Modern Military Tactics

An advanced model of combat armor designed for the United States Marine Corps,[31] the Marine armor pulls no stops when it comes to providing protection for the user, above even that of the heavy combat armor. Outclassed only by Power Armor, every piece of was designed to provide exceptional protection in nearly every battlefield scenario.[32]

Unlike the standard or polymer combat armor, this variant relies on a combination of hard and soft armor to provide protection. The torso assembly consists of a tactical vest from ballistic fiber covering the entire torso from the groin to the shoulders and neck, supplemented by tactical rigging combining hard ballistic armor with a powered survival system and a belt with four multipurpose pouches. Arms are protected by sleeves from the same ballistic fiber, combined with hard armor covering the shoulders, forearm, and dorsal side of the hands. The hard armor is shaped to provide additional protection from the front when aiming and double as attachment points for additional carry pouches. The legs are protected in the same way, with the added benefit of thigh pouches and a pair of stabilizers on the shin. The helmet is derived from the standard combat armor variant, combing by default with a polarized visor, filtration mask, and additional carry strap on the back of the head. Together, they combine to provide a heavy duty set of combat armor that covers almost the entire body in heavy armor, excepting necessary articulation points.[33]

Riot gear[editedit source]

Another advanced design fielded in limited quantities before the Great War, riot gear was a specialized model of combat armor used by the United States Marine Corps,[34] Army units in the American West,[35] and select law enforcement agencies, such as the Los Angeles Police Department.[36]

The most characteristic element of this model is the helmet. A rounded shell protects the head from incoming gunfire, while the lamps on the right side of the helmet (including infrared and visible light projectors) provide illumination.[37] The armored mask designed to be worn with the helmet is necessary to use the IR lamp, due to the low-light optics integrated into the lenses.[38][39] The mask also incorporates a locking mechanism to properly join it together with the helmet shell, ear covers with membranes that do not inhibit hearing while maintaining its protective qualities, and air filters. Some upgraded models also include communications gear and upgraded filtering apparatus.[40]

The torso assembly is a flexible vest of rigid impact plates, worn with adjustable straps on the sides and shoulders. One of its most notable additions is a prominent throat protector mounted on the vest, used by military operators to display tactical numbers[41] or the owner's identifying information, such as the name, rank, and blood group, allowing for easy casualty management.[42] Later models of riot gears may include heavier protection, including armored plating on shoulders and forearms. Military coats designed for use with the armor will also typically include some form of bullet-resistant reinforcement.[40]

  • Helmet and vest of the USMC combat armor

  • Side of the USMC-issued combat armor

  • Desert Ranger combat armor, combining a salvaged duster with jeans and a set of USMC desert armor

  • LAPD riot gear combined with the traditional Desert Ranger duster

  • Military-issue riot gear

  • Advanced version of the riot gear

  • Elite riot gear

Operators[editedit source]

Pre-War[editedit source]

The United States Armed Forces were the principal operator of the entire family of combat armors before the Great War, although some were provided to law enforcement agencies. It was not available to civilians without a special permit provided by the BADTFL.[24]

  • United States Army: The main operator of the entire family of combat armor: starting with the US Army combat armor and its specialized variants, the winterized combat armor and winterized medic armor,[43] through the standard combat armor, to the most advanced suits such as the advanced combat armor,[44]combat armor Mk II,[45]riot gear, veteran riot gear, and elite riot gear.[46]
  • United States Marine Corps: Employed riot gears adapted for desert use.[47]
  • Canada: At least one Canadian used the advanced combat armor for personal protection, before his capture and execution on national television. The source of the suit is not known.[48]

Post-War[editedit source]

States and municipalities[editedit source]

  • Brotherhood of Steel: The largest operator of combat armors, principally the Army, standard, and advanced combat armor. Basic combat armor was usually used with the standard woodland camouflage,[49] while standard armor was deployed with a custom, copper-colored finish providing additional resistance to radiation.[50] The most advanced armor of this family was the Brotherhood armor, an upgraded variant of the basic version. Manufactured by Brotherhood Knights, it looks like normal Combat Armor, but is made of substantially improved materials and is designed better.[30]
  • Enclave used advanced combat armor as standard equipment for its light infantry stationed on the mainland.[51]
  • Vault City provided suits of advanced combat armor to its patrols operating away from the City itself.[52]
  • New California Republic Rangers used advanced combat armor in 2241,[53] but by 2281, after being folded into the NCR military command, switched to hand-made combat armor pattern suits, with LAPD riot gears provided to its veteran members.[54]
  • Rivet City's security guard all used Army combat armor painted black with riot helmets as its security uniform in 2277.[55]
  • The wealthy merchant houses of the Hub provided full suits of advanced combat armor to the Hub Police in 2161.[56]

Non-state actors[editedit source]

  • Some wealthy merchants would continue the practices of providing their security detail with combat armor, such as Duppo in 2242, with advanced combat armor,[57] or Allistair Tenpenny in 2277, who provided his security with security uniforms in characteristic beige.[58]Van Graffs also wore black combat armor for brand recognition.[59]
  • The Gun Runners provided combat armor for all of its security between 2161 and 2281.[60]
  • Various mercenary units and other groups throughout the centuries made use of combat armor of all types. Notable examples include Bishop's mercenaries, Darion's elite New Khans, and the Hubologists of 2241, Talon Company and Reilly's Rangers of 2277, as well as Gunners of 2287.[61] Individuals would also be able to purchase an intact suit with increasing ease, due to the increased availability of suits on the market (although prices are typically high).[62]

Behind the scenes[editedit source]

Wes Burt (for Massive Black) developed the design. I shared your concerns, so there were a few things I requested to keep it from turning into Jin-Roh Part 53. First, I asked that he wear jeans and boots. I also requested that he should typically have a revolver or lever-action rifle with a bandoleer for bullets. Last, I asked for his jacket to be dark brown, not completely black. I wanted to pull some of the color elements toward warmer 'cowboy' tones instead of strict neutrals.

Wes is a really fantastic artist and I think he did a great job.

— J.E. Sawyer on the veteran Ranger armor's design

Gallery[editedit source]

Concept art[editedit source]

  • Fallout 4 concept art

  • Fallout 3 concept art by Adam Adamowicz

  • Combat armor ad from Fallout d20

Renders and game assets[editedit source]

  • Promotional wallpaper

  • Fallout: New Vegas main menu background

  • NCR Veteran Ranger wielding a .357 magnum revolver

  • NCR Veteran Ranger holding an anti-materiel rifle

  • NCR Veteran Ranger in the Fallout: New Vegas trailer

  • NCR Ranger combat armor concept art

  • Ranger helmet concept art

  • NCR Propaganda showing the Ranger helmet

  • Two NCR Veteran Rangers wearing the NCR Ranger combat armor can be seen in the All Roads cover, one at the end of the broken 'Welcome' sign and the other to the right, near the edge of the image and the back of the pick-up truck

  • Pip Boy icon of the Ranger helmet

References[edit source]

  1. Simple combat armor: 'Worn by the more mobile units that accompanied power armor troops prior to the war, combat armor offers protection without sacrificing mobility or fine motor control.'
  2. Army helmet is presented in the game as an older type of helmet, issued to uniformed troops who do not use the standard set of combat armor: Clearly visible in the tutorial segment and later on countless dead bodies throughout the Commonwealth.
  3. Riot gear variants available in Lonesome Road.
  4. Riot gear variants available in Lonesome Road.
  5. Visual inspection of the Army helmet in Fallout 4 shows that its material is nearly identical to modern combat helmet materials, such as the Spectra or Dyneema fibers.
  6. Only Operation Anchorage soldiers are shown wearing them, they are absent from domestic armor.
  7. 7.07.1Armor appearance in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
  8. As shown in Fallout 4.
  9. US Army combat armor in Lonesome Road has the rank insignia of a Private.
  10. Ranger combat armor in Fallout 3.
  11. 11.011.1Frontline troops in Alaska wear this type of combat armor. As seen in the Fallout 4 intro.
  12. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: 'Combat Armor offers balanced protection against both energy and ballistic damage.'
  13. Concept art for the helmet shows the heavy model as having a special targeting unit attached, with an ocular over the right eye.
  14. Combat armor in Fallout Shelter: 'The preferred battlefield armor of pre-war grunts.'
  15. Combat armor appearance in Fallout 4.
  16. Sturdy combat armor in Fallout Shelter: 'Worn by the toughest ground pounders in the toughest battles.'
  17. Heavy combat armor in Fallout Shelter: 'They used to send in an army. Now they only need you.'
  18. 18.018.1Fallout 4 armor upgrades.
  19. Fallout demo, Fallout and Fallout 2 item description: '{1700}{}{Combat Armor}'
    '{1701}{}{High tech armor, made out of advanced defensive polymers.}'
    (PRO ITEM.MSG (demo), PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout), PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2))
  20. Fallout Official Survival Guide p.122: 'Combat Armor: High-tech armor made out of advanced synthetic materials.'
  21. Fallout Shelter designates it as such.
  22. Fallout: New Vegas uses this name.
  23. Combat Armor item perk in Fallout and Fallout 2.
  24. 24.024.1Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.5-17: 'Combat Armor is advanced personal armor for the 22nd century police officer or military grunt. This is about the best armor a Vault Dweller is likely to see in their lifetime. Combat Armor is highly effective against most types of damage, is light weight (for it’s protective value), and is, unfortunately, not available without a special permit. Interested parties should contact the BADTFL office near them.'
  25. Sid: '{127}{}{It's camouflage, you blend so well. Wait! Where'd you go?}'
  26. The Chosen One: '{292}{}{The Phoenix Armor Implant.}'
    Johnson: '{310}{}{According to the reports, Phoenix Armor Implants give you 5% resistance to thermal damage (fire, laser, and plasma) - over and above any other armor you're wearing. The operation takes a few days, one suit of Combat Armor (for the thermal-dissipative membranes), and it will cost you $8,000. Not to worry, though; this operation *should* create only minimal scarring - at least that's what I read.}'
    The Chosen One: '{318}{}{That sounds great, Doc. Let's do it.}'
    Johnson: '{326}{}{Coming around, are we? You're just jam-packed with thermal-dissipators and dissipative membranes. You won't look quite so lumpy in a few weeks, but you won't be winning any beauty pageants again, either. Try not to pick at the pus-crusts near the drainage incisions until they stop suppurating.}'
  27. The Chosen One: '{278}{}{Do you have what you need to perform the operations?}'
    Johnson: '{279}{}{Mostly. I have the skill and the training, but I don't have the implant material.}'
    The Chosen One: '{280}{}{So, what does that mean?}'
    Johnson: '{281}{}{That means that we'll just have to improvise. I think I can get what I need from a set of standard combat armor. I can take the concussive protection plates and also the thermal cells from the armor.}'
  28. The Chosen One: '{213}{}{Combat implants? What do you mean?}'
    Andrew: '{214}{}{Well, according to the schematics I saw, you can graft dermal plates and thermal dissipators to a person's skeleton using the following procedure...}'
    The Chosen One: '{211}{}{I found some combat implant schematics in the Vault City medical database. Could you perform the operation?}'
    Andrew: '{215}{}{Huh. Well, I suppose with help from the ol' Doctor I could do that operation. Course, I'd need some impact plates and dissipators first...might be able to pry some out of a suit of combat armor, if you can find one.}'
  29. The appearance of high-tech combat armors in Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout: New Vegas.
  30. 30.030.1Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.65: 'Combat Armor is prewar personal body armor. Combat Armor Mk. 2 was designed as a heavier set of personal armor, reserved for use by shock troops and Special Forces.'
    'Brotherhood Combat Armor, manufactured by the Brotherhood of Steel, looks like normal Combat Armor, but is made of substantially improved materials and is designed better. In addition to its other protective features, Combat Armor gives the wearer a 20% bonus to their Radiation Resistance.'
  31. DiMA's memory no. 5: 'Memory file identification: 0Y-8K7D. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.
    The marines here were equipped with an advanced model of combat armor. There are several suits already in the base, in various states of deterioration. But there were more shipments of the armor on its way to the base, the day the bombs fell. They could be in prime condition if the sealants have held. I have no use for them, but you never know. Maybe they'll be worth digging up one day...
    Additional data appended. Armor Shipments Tracking Information. Coordinates downloaded.'
  32. Fallout 76 loading screen hints
  33. Armor appearance.
  34. Desert Ranger combat armor was used by a Marine in China.
  35. Riot gear availability in Lonesome Road.
  36. Fallout: New Vegas loading screen hints - 'The distinctive black ranger combat armor consists of the Desert Rangers' traditional trench coat worn with Pre-War riot armor. Ranger patrol armor is hand-manufactured in the NCR.'
  37. Massive Black concept art.
  38. The Courier: 'What do the new rangers mean for NCR?'
    Hanlon: 'The Baja rangers can do more advance night scouting and sharpshooting to assist the troopers. Ranger combat helmets are old Pre-War gear. They have built in low-light optics. Makes a big difference.'
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  39. As seen in the Fallout: New Vegas intro.
  40. 40.040.1Appearance of NCR Ranger combat armor, Desert Ranger combat armor, and riot gears.
  41. Riot gear textures.
  42. Desert Ranger combat armor
  43. Operation: Anchorage
  44. Fallout
  45. Fallout 2
  46. Lonesome Road
  47. Honest Hearts
  48. As seen in the Fallout intro.
  49. Pek wears this armor in the field.
  50. Fallout 4 upgrade options.
  51. Navarro infantry in Fallout 2.
  52. Fallout 2 random encounters with Vault City patrols.
  53. Rangers in Shady Sands and on patrols wear this armor.
  54. Rangers in Fallout: New Vegas.
  55. Rivet City security guards in Fallout 3.
  56. Hub Police officers in Fallout.
  57. Duppo's guards in the Bazaar in Fallout 2.
  58. Tenpenny security guards in Fallout 3.
  59. Simon: 'Welcome to the Silv- ah crap, don't tell me you're my new guard. Okay, now let's get you geared up. First, your armor. Standard issue is your run-of-the-mill combat armor, with a nice dark coat of paint for both brand recognition and sheer intimidation value. Next, your weapon. Guards are required to use rifles. Anything lighter compromises your combat effectiveness. Anything heavier and people are too scared to come in the door. What's your preference, laser or plasma?'
    (Simon's dialogue (Fallout: New Vegas))
  60. Gun Runner guards in Fallout' and Fallout: New Vegas.
  61. Appearance of these characters in Fallout 2
  62. Availability of armor between Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4.
Retrieved from 'https://fallout.gamepedia.com/index.php?title=Combat_armor&oldid=2141002'


Unfortunately, armor mods in Fallout 4 are quite limited when it comes to the PS4 due to Sony not allowing external assets. This removes around 80% of possible mods, and anything that is remotely unique. This is terrible for PS4 players, as Fallout 4 is a fantastic game, and one that relies heavily on mods to make it even more enjoyable.

With that said, we still took a look at the Bethesda website and found some modifications that tweak and enhance Fallout 4 when it comes to armor and clothing.

Fallout 4 Modern Military Armor Mod 1 7 10

Armor And Weapon Keywords Community Resource

If you install any armor mods for Fallout 4, you’re more than likely going to need Armor And Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) first. It essentially helps mods work together and prevents conflicts. This is a must have, even if you plan on only installing a few mods.

Flight Helmets & Eye glasses

Flights Helmets & Eye glasses mod download
This mod will add one pair of eye glasses, as well as three flight helmets which can be crafted from a chemistry station. The textures can be modified, and stats can be added including legendary slots, ballistic weave slots, damage resistance and use of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats.

Busty Mod

Busty Mod download
Simply put, the Busty Mod for Fallout 4 increases the bust size for female players. Once it’s installed, head down to the surgeon in Diamond City and adjust your characters body size. Choose the bottom left corner of the body shape triangle for best results. This mod is compatible with most outfits and armor in the game, with a few exceptions.

Craft Maxson Battlecoat

Fallout 4 Modern Military Armor

Craft Maxson Battlecoat download
When we first see Elder Maxson on board the Prydwen, the first thing you notice is how awesome his coat looks. All this mod does is allow you to craft it yourself so you don’t have to kill Maxson. You can craft it at a chemistry station, and the coat can be upgraded to boost its armor values.

Dog Armor

Dog Armor mod download
This mod provides a rating to dog armor, helping to provide further protection to your trusty companion Dogmeat. Armor was pretty useless previously, being purely for cosmetics. Now it actually has use!


Laundromat mod download
The Laundromat mod for Fallout 4 allows you to essentially make your clothes clean or dirty. It only works with armor pieces that have both a clean and dirty version already in game. Cleaning clothes can be done with Abraxo and Purified Water, whilst making clothes dirty can be done with Dirty Water.

Legendary Recon Marine Armor

Legendary Recon Marine Armor
Marine armor is found when you reach Far Harbor. This mod makes a few changes to it, making it more useful and ideal for use. Some changes include adding Ballistic Weave to the Marine Westuit and Tactical Helmet. Adding a full set of legendary marine armor as well as upping the amount of carry weight, totalling 105lbs.

UCO Base Game

UCO Base Game mod download
The UCO Mod provides many different customisation options, whether it be the appearance or functions of armor. It also allows you to craft items that are harder to obtain, such as those from the DLC. You will need to download a few add-ons that work with this mod to get the most use out of it.

Jetpack Ring, Armor and Gadgets

This mod adds multiple items to the game, including rings, armor and powers. The different types of armor will allow you to disarm enemies and tase enemies when blocking attacks. Whilst also granting powers such as teleknetic push & lightning. Overall, if your crazy about modding, this one is definitely worth trying out.

Legendary Modification

Legendary Modification mod download
The Legendary Modification mod for Fallout 4 will allow you to attach any legendary modification to a weapon or piece of armor. Allowing you to create your own legendary items. It doesn’t work with DLC or other modded content though.