League Of Legends Pvp Kernel Error

How To Fix 'PVP.net Patcher Kernel has stopped working' League Of Legends Problem League of Legends, also known as LoL is one of the most engrossing free multiplayer online games. It is a mix of RTS (Real-time strategy) and RPG (role-playing game) and one of the most popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena genre games. Solution 4: Uninstall and Reinstall League of Legends. If the problem of PVP.net Patcher Kernel has stopped working occurred, it is suggested that you try to uninstall League of Legends and then reinstall the program. And you should install it with administrator permission.

'You belong in a museum!'

  • This article or section may contain obsolete information, but exists here for historical purposes.

PVP.net was the front-end interface for the player versus player aspect of League of Legends. It was historically used interchangeably to describe the client but is now deprecated.


PVP.net is a platform for League of Legends to launch from. It allows you to add friends, check the League of Legends store, and join chat rooms. PVP.net can be considered a separate entity from the actual game but the two are linked and cannot be used separately.

The interface received an upgrade when Season One kicked off. The redesign included new skin selection, a new profile page with more stats, Draft Pick compatibility, and a new look in general.



For more details, see Launcher.

The Launcher is the initial window that checks for game updates and launches the PVP.net client for League of Legends.

Login Screen

Login screen proceeds after the Launcher and is used by the player to login and sign-up the game, League of Legends. This window helps out sorting each players specific data with the login system. With each passing patch and some event, the Login Screen animation is changed accordingly. It has several options:

  • Username: A bracket made specifically to type-in the players personal Username made after he/she created an account. Each player must have a different Username.
    • If a player can not remember their Username there is also an option that helps with this issue.
  • Password: A bracket made specifically to type-in the players personal password made after he/she created an account. Each player must have a different password and is the last line of defense for unwanted account use.
    • If a player can not remember their password there is also an option that helps with this issue.
  • Sign-up: For those players who have downloaded the game but have not made an account already, the sign-up option links them to Riots account creation screen. This option works in conjuncture with Refer-A-Friend system.
  • Terms of Use: Link leading directly to the games Terms that are needed to be followed by all players who make an account and play the game.

Main Client Wall

The main client wall proceeds after the Login screen and is the main hub for several features options from the interface.

  • Information windows: These window showcase the lates information, events, current free champion rotation, new skins and skin sales, and optional spectated matches.
  • Play Wall : A 'Play' button links to an option screen for several playable modes.
  • Help: This interface tool serves as a guide to PVP.net and game newcomers. The guides are:
    • Chat,
    • Masteries,
    • Normal Games,
    • Practice and Bot games,
    • Runes,
    • Summoner Spells,
    • Technical Feedback.
  • Options: This interface tool serves to tweak specific preferences on the PVP.net. Those the preferences are:
    • Chat,
      • Enable Language Filter: This option mutes the showing of any curse word typed in chat (mainly English curse words).
      • Enable Friend Notifications.
    • Sound,
      • Sound Effects (on/off and volume).
      • Music (on/off and volume).
    • General.
      • Disable Menu Animations.
      • Enable Newbie Help Tips.
      • Suppress Notification pop-ups.
      • Chat link use: Warns a player when he clicks on a chat link.
  • Hextech Crafting window: Showcases all obtainable rewards from playing games which are liked with the Champion Mastery.
  • Player Profile window: Showcases the selected Summoner icon, players in-game name and players personal amount of Riot Points and Influence Points. It is linked with the summoner profile page.
  • Riot Store: The Riot Store is the digital center in which people can buy objects with Riot Points and Influence Points to enhance their game experience in League of Legends.
  • Chat and Friends windows.


  • If you type the link PVP.net into a web browser and press enter you will be redirected to Leagueoflegends.com.
  • PVP.net uses a 'runtime environment' called Adobe AIR. It is however directly built in the client, and does not require any download/installation from you.
  • PVP.net is analogous to Blizzard's service Battle.net.
  • The login screen is absent in servers hosted by Garena . Instead, logging in with your Garena account through their gaming platform serves as a login session when running the game.
  • When re-installing the game after the new client went to live servers, the player will be redirected to install the new client. [1]


Current Login Screen / Themes (PBE/Live)
Old Login Screens / Themes
All Login screens released by Riot (in chronological order from the oldest to the newest)
Alpha Beta Stage - Login Screen (with Music)
Season One - Login Screen
Harrowing 2010 - Login Screen
Snowdown 2010 - Login Screen
Dominion - Login Screen
Haunting Nocturne - Login Screen
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks - Login Screen
Snowdown 2011 - Login Screen
Lunar Revel 2012 - Login Screen
Lulu, the Fae Sorceress - Login Screen
Hecarim, the Shadow of War - Login Screen
Gatekeeper Galio - Login Screen
Varus, the Arrow of Retribution - Login Screen
Darius, the Hand of Noxus - Login Screen
Draven, the Glorious Executioner - Login Screen
Pulsefire Ezreal - Login Screen
Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow - Login Screen
Zyra, Rise of the Thorns - Login Screen
Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath - Login Screen
Diana, Scorn of the Moon - Login Screen
Rengar, the Pridestalker - Login Screen
Syndra, the Dark Sovereign - Login Screen
Kha'Zix, the Voidreaver - Login Screen
Season 2 World Championship - Login Screen
Elise, the Spider Queen - Login Screen
Zed, the Master of Shadows - Login Screen
Eternum Nocturne - Login Screen
Nami, the Tidecaller - Login Screen
Dark Candy Fiddlesticks - Login Screen
Vi, the Piltover Enforcer - Login Screen
Aether Wing Kayle - Login Screen
Thresh, the Chain Warden - Login Screen
Panda Annie - Login Screen
Quinn, Demacia's Wings - Login Screen
Zac, the Secret Weapon - Login Screen
Lissandra, the Ice Witch - Login Screen
All-Star Shanghai 2013 - Login Screen
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade - Login Screen
Spirit Guard Udyr - Login Screen
Lucian, the Purifier - Login Screen
Forecast Janna - Login Screen
Season 3 Finals - Login Screen
Jinx, the Loose Cannon - Login Screen
Pool Party - Login Screen
Haunted Zyra - Login Screen
Infernal Nasus - Login Screen
Yasuo, the Unforgiven - Login Screen
Snowdown 2013 - Login Screen
2014 Season - Login Screen
Lunar Revel 2014 - Login Screen
Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void - Login Screen
U.R.F. 2014 - Login Screen
Super Galaxy Rumble - Login Screen
Braum, the Heart of the Freljord - Login Screen
All-Star Paris 2014 - Login Screen
Legends of the Field - Login Screen
Gnar, the Missing Link - Login Screen
Azir, the Emperor of the Sands - Login Screen
Shurima - Login Screen
World Championship 2014 - Login Screen
Sion, the Undead Juggernaut - Login Screen
Harrowing 2014 - Login Screen
Dunkmaster Darius - Login Screen
Summoner's Rift - Login Screen
Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance - Login Screen
Rek'Sai, the Void Burrower - Login Screen
Winter Wonder Orianna - Login Screen
2015 Season - Login Screen
Firecracker Jinx - Login Screen
Sona, the Maven of the Strings - Login Screen
DJ Sona Ethereal - Login Screen
DJ Sona Concussive - Login Screen
DJ Sona Kinetic - Login Screen
Bard, the Wandering Caretaker - Login Screen
Omega Squad Teemo - Login Screen
Welcome to Planet Urf - Login Screen
Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time - Login Screen
Tahm Kench, the River King - Login Screen
Twisted Fate & Graves - Login Screen
Captain Gangplank - Login Screen
Captain Fortune - Login Screen
Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge - Login Screen 2
PROJECT Yi - Login Screen
Kindred, the Eternal Hunters - Login Screen
Bit Rush - Login Screen
Season 2015 Pre-Finals - Login Screen
World Championship 2015 - Login Screen
Slayer Jinx - Login Screen
Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess - Login Screen
Dragon Trainer Tristana - Login Screen
Snowdown 2015 - Login Screen
Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer - Login Screen
2016 Season - Login Screen

League Of Legends Error Code 1

Jhin, the Virtuoso - Login Screen
Lunar Revel 2016 - Login Screen
Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger - Login Screen
Mecha Zero Sion - Login Screen
April Fools 2016 - Login Screen
Taric, the Shield of Valoran - Login Screen
Taliyah, the Stoneweaver - Login Screen
LCU - Login Screen
Dark Star Thresh - Login Screen
MSI 2016 - Login Screen
Ryze, the Rune Mage - Login Screen
PROJECT Ashe - Login Screen
Kled, the Cantankerous Cavalier - Login Screen
Bit Rush Arcade Ahri - Login Screen
Yorick, Shepherd of Souls - Login Screen
Worlds 2016 - Login Screen
Worlds 2016 Finals - Login Screen
Ivern, the Green Father - Login Screen
Star Guardians Burning Bright - Login Screen
Tales from the Rift - Login Screen
Elementalist Lux - Login Screen
All-Star Barcelona 2016 - Login Screen
Camille, the Steel Shadow - Login Screen
Snowdown 2016 - Login Screen
2017 Season - Login Screen
Lunar Revel 2017 - Login Screen
Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun - Login Screen
Blood Moon Diana - Login Screen
Dragonslayer Xin Zhao - Login Screen
Galio, the Colossus - Login Screen
God Fist Lee Sin - Login Screen
MSI 2017 - Login Screen
Xayah & Rakan - Login Screen
Dark Star 2017 - Login Screen
Pulsefire Caitlyn - Login Screen
VS. 2017 Yasuo vs Riven - Login Screen
Honor - Login Screen
Darkin Kayn - Login Screen
Shadow Kayn - Login Screen
Omega Squad 2017 - Login Screen
Urgot, the Dreadnought - Login Screen
Arcade 2017 - Login Screen
Turkey Finals 2017 - Login Screen
Ornn, the Fire Below the Mountain - Login Screen
Star Guardian 2017 - Login Screen
World Championship 2017 - Login Screen
Evelynn, Agony's Embrace - Login Screen
Forge Your Path - Login Screen
PROJECT Hunters - Login Screen
Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight - Login Screen
All-Star 2017 - Login Screen
Snowdown 2017 - Login Screen
Season Start 2018 - Commencement - Login Screen
Season Start 2018 - Anticipation - Login Screen
Lunar Revel 2018 - Login Screen
Swain, the Noxian Grand General - Login Screen
Kai'Sa, Daughter of the Void - Login Screen
Gun Goddess Miss Fortune - Login Screen
Irelia, the Blade Dancer - Login Screen
April Fools 2018 - Login Screen
MSI 2018 - Login Screen
Clash - Login Screen
Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper - Login Screen
College Championship 2018 - Login Screen
VS 2018 God-King Darius - Login Screen
VS 2018 God-King Garen - Login Screen
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade (Updated) - Login Screen
Rift Rivals 2018 - Login Screen
Akali, the Rogue Assassin - Login Screen
Pool Party 2018 - Login Screen
Nunu & Willump, the Boy and his Yeti - Login Screen
High Noon Lucian - Login Screen
Odyssey - Login Screen
Pulsefire Ezreal - Login Screen Update
Worlds 2018 - Login Screen
Tales from the Rift 2018 - Login Screen
All-Star 2018 - Login Screen
Eclipse Leona - Login Screen
Neeko, the Curious Chameleon - Login Screen
Snowdown 2018 - Login Screen
Season Start 2019 - Commencement - Login Screen
Season Start 2019 - Anticipation - Login Screen
Sylas, the Unshackled - Login Screen
Lunar Revel 2019 - Login Screen
Kayle & Morgana, the Righteous & the Fallen - Login Screen
Cats VS Dogs - Login Screen
LEC Spring 2019 - Login Screen
Galaxy Slayer Zed - Login Screen
MSI 2019 (No Vocals) - Login Screen
MSI 2019 - Login Screen
Mid-Season Trials 2019 - Login Screen
Yuumi, the Magical Cat - Login Screen
College Championship 2019 - Login Screen
Battle Academia 2019 - Login Screen
LCS 2019 - Login Screen
Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant - Login Screen
Dark Cosmic Jhin - Login Screen
Qiyana, Empress of the Elements - Login Screen

nntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Beta Login Interface (by Riot Artist Albert Carranza</a>)','linkHref':'/wiki/File:PVP.net_Login_Screen_2.jpg','title':'PVP.net Login Screen 2.jpg','dbKey':'PVP.net_Login_Screen_2.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/b/b1/PVP.net_Main_Hub_Old_1.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20150503232439','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Beta Main Hub 1 (by Riot Artist Albert Carranza</a>)','linkHref':'/wiki/File:PVP.net_Main_Hub_Old_1.jpg','title':'PVP.net Main Hub Old 1.jpg','dbKey':'PVP.net_Main_Hub_Old_1.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c5/PVP.net_Main_Hub_Old_2.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20150503232511','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Beta Main Hub 2 (by Riot Artist Albert Carranza</a>)','linkHref':'/wiki/File:PVP.net_Main_Hub_Old_2.jpg','title':'PVP.net Main Hub Old 2.jpg','dbKey':'PVP.net_Main_Hub_Old_2.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/7/7b/PVP.net_Play_Wall_Old_2.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20190417162931','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Beta In-Game Hud Frame Styles (by Riot Artist Albert Carranza</a>)','linkHref':'/wiki/File:PVP.net_Play_Wall_Old_2.jpg','title':'PVP.net Play Wall Old 2.jpg','dbKey':'PVP.net_Play_Wall_Old_2.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/0/0b/PVP.net_Play_Wall_Old_1.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20190417163017','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Beta In-Game Hud (by Riot Artist Albert Carranza</a>)','linkHref':'/wiki/File:PVP.net_Play_Wall_Old_1.jpg','title':'PVP.net Play Wall Old 1.jpg','dbKey':'PVP.net_Play_Wall_Old_1.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/b/be/PVP.net_Play_Wall_Old_3.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20190417163150','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Beta In-Game Hud Layout (by Riot Artist Albert Carranza</a>)','linkHref':'/wiki/File:PVP.net_Play_Wall_Old_3.jpg','title':'PVP.net Play Wall Old 3.jpg','dbKey':'PVP.net_Play_Wall_Old_3.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/4/4a/Login_New.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20110926155922','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Old Login interface','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Login_New.jpg','title':'Login New.jpg','dbKey':'Login_New.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/9/9b/Login.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100616151835','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Old Login interface','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Login.jpg','title':'Login.jpg','dbKey':'Login.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/b/b4/Questionnaire.png/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100616151837','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'The Questionnaire for old inductees','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Questionnaire.png','title':'Questionnaire.png','dbKey':'Questionnaire.png'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/8/8e/Profile_Page.png/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100616151837','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Old Profile page with ladders information','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Profile_Page.png','title':'Profile Page.png','dbKey':'Profile_Page.png'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/0/0a/Pick_3.png/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100616151837','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Champion selection in Draft Pick','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Pick_3.png','title':'Pick 3.png','dbKey':'Pick_3.png'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/9/9e/Skin_Select.png/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20100616151838','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Old skin selector','linkHref':'/wiki/File:Skin_Select.png','title':'Skin Select.png','dbKey':'Skin_Select.png'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/e/e5/StoreKazuz.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20110413154913','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'Old Riot Store</a> layout','linkHref':'/wiki/File:StoreKazuz.jpg','title':'StoreKazuz.jpg','dbKey':'StoreKazuz.jpg'},{'thumbUrl':'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/8/88/PVP.net_U_Alpha_Stage.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/240/height/240?cb=20160308231936','thumbHtml':'nnnntnttnntntnntntnntntnnn</picture>nntntnntnntnnn</a>nn','caption':'PVP.net Alpha Stage Launcher','linkHref':'/wiki/File:PVP.net_U_Alpha_Stage.jpg','title':'PVP.net U Alpha Stage.jpg','dbKey':'PVP.net_U_Alpha_Stage.jpg'}]'>Albert Carranza)'>Albert Carranza)'>Albert Carranza)'>Albert Carranza)'>Albert Carranza)'>Albert Carranza)'>Riot Store layout'>


  1. Heartbreaking message from Riot Games

I tried to start League of Legends today and encountered this error PVP.net Patcher Kernel Has Stopped Working, I searched it on google and found out that there are a lot of other players complaining about this issue. Apparently, a new patch for the game is available and the patcher is unable to start in order for it to patch the game.

Below, you will find some workarounds to fix this issue and play the game in no time. I fixed my issue in 2 minutes with the following solution.

How I Fixed PVP.net Patcher Kernel Has Stopped Working:

I found a simple workaround for this issue that fixed it for me in just 2 minutes. All that you need to do is run the game in Administrator mode. To do that right click on your League of Legends icon and click Run as Administrator. If this workaround won’t work for you check the solutions below.

Go into your League of Legends folder in C:/Riot Games
Open up the “RADS” folder.
Open up the “Projects” folder.
Open up the “lol_air_client” folder.
Open up the “releases” folder.
Open up the folder that’s in there. It changes every patch, but contains the same stuff.
Delete the two files named “S_OK” and “release manifest”
Open up the “deploy” folder.
Delete the “logs”, “META-INF”, “lol.properties”, and “LoLClient.exe”
Restart your Patcher.
It will repatch the recent patch you had just downloaded.
This will usually fix it. If not I suggest trying to do a repair from the patcher’s options. It takes from 10-20 minutes.

“Exactly what the title says, been happening to me since it went down last night…It was working fine, I had reinstalled it right before the patch went live, and downloaded the patch, my brother managed to play an ARAM all the way through, but the second one ended due to the server going down….And it hasn’t been able to get past me double clicking the exe icon since then”

You might also have some problems with your internet connection, you might be in some world regions from where you can’t access the game. Load/access your all-time favorite games from any part of the globe with windows 7 virtual desktop with better GPU acceleration with 24*7 commendable tech-support from Apps4Rent.com, Add complete office suite to the same desktop by visiting O365CloudExperts

I’ve just had this problem too, after installing the PBE, to fix it I went into task manager -> processes and ended LoLLauncher, opened and it worked fine.. Hope this helps!

We hope that our quick guide helped you fix your PVP.net Patcher Kernel Has Stopped Working error and that now you are able to start League of Legends. If you have any other questions please comment below and we will help you fix your game. – GamesErrors Team