C Drive Filling Up By Itself Windows 8

Windows 8.1: My C drive is getting filled up automatically. I discovered this anomaly after a recent update that prompts you when you want to shut down or restart your machine. After that I found another update, did that by restarting my PC, then I found 5.5 GB free space. Now its 3.94 GB. 5 minutes earlier it was 4.17 GB. My OS (Win 8.1) is stored on my C: while my recovery is the D:. When I install software I try to ensure that everything is installed on the partioned drive, E. So far most of the programs I've installed end up sending files to the C: and it has filled up preventing me from installing anything new. Hard drive full for no reason or C drive full without reason? Here are four solutions to help solve the problem of a hard drive full but it is not in Windows 10, 8 and 7. You can try them one by one until the issue has been resolved perfectly.

How-To Geek Forums / Windows Vista

(Solved) - HELP-harddrive is filling up by itsself(over 8 GB in the last hour)

(22 posts)

my harddisk keeps filling up,i have no pics or music or anything on it and every day it has less and less .i shut off atoumatic back ups and earased all old restore points and shadow copys but it keeps filling up.im running vista 32 premium.is there any way to restore my laptop back to the day i got it without a resore point????it says i have 33.9 gb left out of 231 gb but i havent installed any programs or anything...

Wait a minute . . . wait a minute . . .

Don't intend to be harsh here, and don't take my tone that way, but are you talking about hard disk storage space and not memory?? 231GB is an odd number for memory to say the least, and it's more like a hard disk's capacity. From the context of your post, it really sounds like you're talking about the HDD and NOT memory. The two are very different animals.

And welcome to one of the best forums in the universe. I'm not a VISTA user, but there are plenty here, and I'm sure one of them will jump in here and help you.

thanks bobjam your right its my harddisk...its down to 32.1GB now ive swept it with trendmicro antivirus and webroot spy sweeper and nothing came up......im new to this and only use this thing to transfer pics to a external drive or print pics if needed so im lost as to how its goofin up.

27.2 GB just to show how fast its goin......HELP......lol

DJ, try booting into Safe Mode with Networking (F8 at startup). See if that stops the bleeding. If so, try your spyware scans again. You can also try SuperAntiSpyware which has been reported to find spyware that other programs don't.

Geezzzz . . . this poor guy/gal needs some fast help apparently.


I'm not really familiar with VISTA, but here's a few ideas.

Check and see what programs and processes are running in Task Manager. In XP you can get to this with Ctrl-Alt-Del. I have no idea what the version of this is in VISTA or how to get to it. This may give you a clue.


Disable System Restore (in XP it's in Control Panel>System . . . I don't know where it is in VISTA).

Disable any screensaver you have running and then do a Defrag.

Clear/Delete all your temp files and temporary internet files.

Post back with the results.

C'mon VISTA guys . . . HELP!!!

I suggest - Just check your WINSXS folder insider WINDOWS folder. This is the folder which i am sure might have taken all your precious space.

This is one of the features of VISTA of which you can't get rid of. The more you install updates and programmes more its size will expand.

Just check out this also

i update on a normal base but havent installed any programs other then trend micro and webroot spysweeper and super anti spy....im down to 12.8 GB now

thnks bobjam i tryed all of the suggestions and its still sucking GBs.its down to 12 GB now.

C Drive Filling Up By Itself Windows 8 Full

We have seen this kind of thing before, so I'm going to copy advice from old threads:

You need a space viewer to find out what's using up so much. Try WinDirStat (freeware) or TreeSize (free and paid versions).

Try Disk Cleanup and see if it reports many gigabytes to be cleaned up. If so, read through these threads for the solution:

EDIT: DO NOT let Disk Cleanup remove the huge error reports. Follow the solution here (direct link):

If you have a lot of .msp files or large installer directories, it could be orphaned patches:

k i downloaded windirstat and from what i see its my anti virus program(trend micro 2007)its up to 160 GB total.im really green at this so thanks for the patience..so what now should i un install trend deleate everything ass. with it and then reinstall?????ill wait for a little advice before i go any further.....and bye the way thanks to everyone that has taken the time to help..DJ

i turned trend micro off and it stoped eating GBs.......scott your my new hero..lol

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its got like thousands of files all 5.3mb (example-vsj2cj3n.pda) all adding to 163 GB i turned trend off and it stoped eating disk space...?

DJ, that's great news! You have stopped the hemorrhaging. I don't know what those .pda files are, but I would suggest that you uninstall your Trend Micro software and all the associated files. If these are signature databases, they can be re-created when you re-install and update. BTW, which Trend Micro software is this? Once it's gone, use WinDirStat again and make sure you can account for all of the space that is in use.

When you are ready to try again, I would suggest that you download the latest version of the software you have a license for from Trend Micro's website. This may be a bug that has been fixed in a more recent version. After it updates and scans, keep an eye on the space usage. If it starts to run wild again, you should contact Trend Micro for support.

well good news all .i got rid of trendmicro and reinstalled it and alls working great again....thanks so much for all the input and help...ill keep a eye on the forums and hopefully learn something new...thanks again..DJ

I just joined up for i have been surfing through posts in finding help. I am having the same problem. My dad had me unistall norton for the computer place said norton back up was taking up all of the space on our hard drive. I unistalled it and nothing has happened. I am down to 3gs of space and i downloaded spacesniffer for someone mentioned that. N360 backup has 74.2g is that what is taking up most of my space. I have vista and sorry did not mention it before.

Hi shycat
Welcome to HTG, sorry to read of your problem, but may I suggest you RESEND your message, as a NEW question, hopefully then someone may be able to respond.
Good luck
Granny Kate

Thanks and i have found this site helpful and will do.

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