Misa Joey No Reason For The Blue Download

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Listen to music from Misa Joey like 青空 and the way we are in. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Misa Joey. No reason for the blue. 37 listeners. I have a Hopper 3 and a wired Joey, I noticed I don't have the Youtube channel on the Joey (371). The Joey is in my mancave which is a shop detached from the house, I do not have wifi in the mancave but I thought everything worked thru the Hopper in the house where the wifi is located. No Youtube on Joey Discussion in 'Hopper System Support Forum' started by adkcek, Dec 2, 2016. Dec 2, 2016 #1 of 3 adkcek Cool Member. Oct 16, 2006. I have a Hopper 3 and a wired Joey, I noticed I don't have the Youtube channel on the Joey (371). The Joey is in my mancave which is a shop detached from the house, I do not have wifi in the.

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  • [Monica knocks]

    Chandler : You can't come in.

    Monica : Why not?

    Chandler : Because, uh, Ross is naked.

    Ross : What?

    Chandler : Well, I couldn't tell her *I* was naked. She's allowed to see me naked.

    Ross : Why does *anyone* have to be naked?

  • Ross : What are you doing tonight?

    Chandler : Why, do you have a lecture?

    Ross : No.

    Chandler : Free as a bird, what's up?

  • [Ross is trying to talk Rachel's boss into giving her her job back so she won't go to Paris; Mr. Zelner has a son who is also named Ross]

    Ross : Does little Ross like dinosaurs by any chance?

    Mr. Zelner : Yeah, they're all he talks about, why?

    Ross : How would he like to come with me to the Museum of Natural History after everyone else has left, just the two of us, and he can touch anything he wants.

    [Mr. Zelner looks shocked]

    Ross : I just heard it as you must have heard it and that's not good. Let me start again. I'm a paleontologist, you'll be there with us and the touching refers only to bones - fossils!

  • Rachel : Can you take care of Emma just for today?

    Ross : Sure, just lend me your breasts and we'll be on our way.

  • [Ross defends his fast eating habits to Rachel]

    Ross : I grew up in a house with Monica, okay. If you didn't eat fast, you didn't eat.

  • Ross : First divorce: wife's hidden sexuality, not my fault. Second divorce: said the wrong name at the altar, kind of my fault. Third divorce: they shouldn't let you get married when you're that drunk and have stuff drawn all over your face, Nevada's fault.

  • Joey : So, what, you just want to stay here and wait for Rachel to come back from her date?

    Ross : Yeah. I mean, this guy could be my baby's stepfather.

    Joey : They go out on one date and you worry about her marrying him? He's not you.

  • Ross : [frantically presses buttons on answering machine] Oh my God! Did she get off the plane? Did she get off the plane?

    Rachel : [from behind] I got off the plane.

  • Phoebe : Ok, I got an idea. If it's a girl, Phoebe, naturally. And, if it's a boy.. Phoebo.

    Ross : Uhh.. Sure, but let's not limit ourselves to just one name.

    Rachel : Ok, I got one. If it's a girl.. Sandrine. It's French.

    Ross : That's a great name.. for an industrial solvent.

    Rachel : Ok, you got a better one?

    Ross : Yeah, check this out. If it's a boy - Darwin.

    Rachel : Yes, Ross, I do want a son who'll be regularly beaten in the schoolyard.

    Phoebe : By Sandrine.

  • Phoebe : I'm going to get a coffee. Anybody want anything?

    Monica : I'll have a latte.

    Ross : I'll have a blueberry muffin, with a decaf.

    Chandler : I'll have a bagel with a little..

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    Phoebe : You know I was just being polite.

  • [Ross and Rachel are trying to decide a name for their baby]

    Ross : OK, how about Ruth?

    Rachel : Oh, I'm sorry, are we having an 89 year old woman?

  • [Re: 'If you had to give up sex or food, which would you pick?']

    Monica : Sex!

    Chandler : Seriously. Answer faster.

    Monica : I'm sorry, sweetie. When she said 'sex' I wasn't thinking of sex with you.

    Chandler : It's like a big hug.

    Phoebe : Ross, how about you? Sex or food?

    Ross : Sex!

    Phoebe : What about sex or dinosaurs?

    Ross : My God, it's like Sophie's Choice.

    Phoebe : Joey, if you had to give up sex or food, which would you pick?

    Joey : I don't know it's too hard.

    Rachel : Come on, you have to answer.

    Joey : Okay.. sex. No, food. No, uh.. I want both! I want girls on bread!

  • Rachel : ..How many centimeters am I dilated? Eight? Nine?

    Dr Long : Three.

    Ross : Just three? I'm dilated three!

  • Ross : I love marriage.

    Phoebe : Seriously? You?.. Divorce-O?

  • Ross : Chandler entered a Vanilla Ice look-alike contest and *won*!

    Chandler : Ross came fourth and cried!

  • [Monica tells the others that she and Chandler won't have any more sex before the wedding]

    Ross : A no sex pact! I have one of those with every woman in America!

  • Ross : Can I borrow your blue tie? Emma spit on mine.

    Chandler : Okay, but you'll have to give it back when I get a job. Of course, by then, ties will be obsolete and we'll all be wearing silver jumpsuits.

  • Monica : Joey, what would you do if you were omnipotent?

    Joey : I'd probably kill myself.

    Monica : Excuse me?

    Joey : Hey, if 'Little Joey's dead, then I got no reason to live.

    Ross : Uh, Joey.. Omnipotent.

    Joey : You are? Ross, I'm sorry.

  • Chandler : Now, remember, Ben, keep your balance.

    Ben : Thanks, daddy.

    Ross : No, remember, Ben, two mommies, one daddy.

  • [Ross and Joey's first meeting]

    Ross : [glum] My wife's a lesbian.

    Joey : Cool.

    Chandler : Ross, this is Joey. Joey, Ross.

  • [Ross and Rachel are picking out names for their baby, and have each 5 vetoes]

    Ross : Curie.

    Rachel : Veto. Rain.

    Ross : Veto. Mark.

    Rachel : Veto. Vince.

    Ross : Veto. Lance.

    Rachel : Veto. James.

    Ross : Hmmm..

    Rachel : If it's a girl.

    Ross : Veto.

    Phoebe : Is it just me, or is Vito beginning to sound real good?

  • Rachel : Wha.. married?

    Ross : Well, yeah, I think we should get married!

    Rachel : What? Because that's your answer to everything?

  • Joey : Hey Ross. If homo sapiens were in fact 'homo sapiens', could that be why they're extinct?

    Ross : Joey, homo sapiens are people.

    Joey : Hey! I'm not judging here.

  • Ross : What are you doing?

    Chandler : Making chocolate milk. You want some?

    Ross : No thanks, I'm 29.

  • Ross : We were on a break!

    Chandler : Oh, my God! If you say that one more time, I'm going to break up with you!

  • Ross : [after trying to kiss his cousin]


    Ross : Say something. Say anything. Nothing you say could make this situation worse. Oh my God, this is the longest that anyone has not spoken EVER.

    [actually speaking to his cousin]

    Ross : I haven't had sex in a very long time.

    [thinking again]

    Ross : Yeah you really shouldn't have said anything.

  • [Ross is trying to cheer Chandler up who won't get out of his sweatpants]

    Ross : C'mon man, just take 'em off, just take 'em off and we'll have some fun.

  • Ross : Ok, look. You don't have to get married. We can just go home and take a shower. That's not so scary is it?

    Chandler : Depends on what you mean by 'we'.

  • Ross : If you're going to call me names, I would prefer Ross, the Divorce Force. It's just cooler.

  • Mike Hanigan : You're not gonna try and make me join a cult are you?

    Ross : No..

    Mike Hanigan : Oh okay. You just have that look.

    Ross : [to himself] Damn SuperCuts!

  • Ross : I guess I should have known.. we'd be out somewhere, and a beautiful woman would go by, and Carol would go, 'Ross, look at her.' And I'd think, 'My wife is cool.'

  • Ross : Oh, really? Well, I guess Monica should know about Atlantic City.

    Chandler : Du-ude!

    Monica : What happened in Atlantic City?

    Ross : Well, Chandler and I are in a bar..

    Chandler : Did you not hear me say, 'Du-ude'?

    Ross : ..and this girl is making eyes at Chandler, okay? So after a while he just goes over to her and, uh, after a minute or two, I see them kissing. Now, I know what you're thinking. Chandler's not the type of guy who just goes to bars and makes out with girls. And you're right. Chandler's not the type of guy just goes to bars and makes out with girls.

    Monica : You kissed a guy? Oh my God.

    Chandler : In my defense, it was dark and he was a very pretty guy.

  • Ross : [leaning over and talking to Rachel's lap] I can't wait to play with you all day, and to hear your first words.

    Phoebe : [wide eyed] Why are you letting him talk to your crotch that way?

    Rachel : He's talking to the baby.

    Phoebe : Oh, that's good. Because when I heard, 'I can't wait to hear your first words' I thought, 'Boy that's some trick!'

  • Monica : What you guys don't understand is, for us, kissing is as important as any part of it.

    Joey : Yeah, right!.. Y'serious?

    Phoebe : Oh, yeah!

    Rachel : Everything you need to know is in that first kiss.

    Monica : Absolutely.

    Chandler : Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know? I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out.

    Ross : Yeah, and-and it's not that we don't like the comedian, it's that-that.. that's not why we bought the ticket.

    Chandler : The problem is, though, after the concert's over, no matter how great the show was, you girls are always looking for the comedian again, y'know? I mean, we're in the car, we're fighting traffic.. basically just trying to stay awake.

  • [doing a crossword puzzle]

    Ross : Heating device.

    Phoebe : Radiator.

    Ross : Five letters.

    Phoebe : Rdatr.

  • Chandler : What? What? What is it? That she left you? That she likes women? That she left you for another woman that likes women?

    Ross : A little louder, okay? I think there's a man on the twelfth floor - in a COMA - who didn't hear you.

  • Rachel : How about for a girl, Rain?

    Ross : Rain? 'Hi, my name is Rain. I have my own kiln and my dress is made out of wheat.'

    Phoebe : I know her!

  • Ross : Oh. *Oh*. Thank God, most women don't even feel them.

    Rachel : Okay, no uterus, no opinion.

  • Ross : You know, we should probably ask the doctor if she even knows how to deliver a baby that's half human, half *pure evil*!

  • [Mona doesn't know that Rachel is living with Ross]

    Mona : Listen, Rachel, I appreciate your situation but this is Valentine's Day. So, if you don't mind, would you please just go back home?

    [Ross enters with his gift for Mona]

    Rachel : What are you talking about? I live here.

    Ross : [nervously gives Mona her present] Happy Valentine's Day.

    [Mona stares angrily at Ross]

    Ross : Or, something to remember me by..

  • Ross : This is so exciting, I haven't seen my monkey in almost a year.

    Chandler : What, you never look down in the shower?


    Chandler : Oh, please. I'm not allowed to make *one* joke in the monkey-is-penis genre?

  • [Ross is walking down the aisle at Chandler and Monica's wedding]

    Ross : Wow. This is the first time I've walked down the aisle without the possibility of it ending in divorce.

  • Rachel : You didn't finish reading it?

    Ross : It was 5:30 in the morning, and you had rambled on for eighteen pages - front and back!

  • Ross : [holding a bottle of champagne] Gunther, six glasses!

    Gunther : [hopeful] Six? You want me to join you?

    Ross : Oh, I thought Joey was here. Five will be fine.

    [Gunther walks away disappointed]

    Ross : Boy I'm gonna get spit in my coffee, now.

  • Ross : Hey, Pheebs, you gonna have the rest of that Pop-Tart? Pheebs?

    Phoebe : Does anyone want the rest of this Pop-Tart?

    Ross : Hey, I might.

  • Ross : I would date her but there is a big age difference.

    Joey : Well think about it when you're 90..

    Ross : I know, she'll be 80 and it won't be such a big difference.

    Joey : No. What I was gonna say is when you're 90 you'll still have the memory of what it was like to be with a 20-year-old.

  • Rachel : [upset] All right, well, if you must know.. I had a traumatic.. swing incident.. when I was little.

    Ross : Seriously?

    Rachel : Yes, I was 4 years-old and I was on the swing and then all of a sudden my hair got tangled in the chain. And to get me out my mom had to - had to cut a big chunk of my hair.

    [she starts crying]

    Rachel : And it was uneven for weeks.

    Ross : [sarcastically] And you made it through that? I wonder who's gonna play you in the movie.

    Rachel : Ok, fine. You can make fun of me. I do not want Emma going there.


    Rachel : And I was thinking Claire Danes.

  • Ross : [receiving his Christmas gift] You got me a cola drink.

    Chandler : And a LEMON LIME.

    Ross : You shouldn't have. I feel like I should get you another sweater.

    Joey : And last but not least.

    [Monica receives her gift]


  • Chandler : Hey, you guys in the living room all know what you want to do. You know, you have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream.

    Ross : Ah, the lesser known 'I Don't Have a Dream' speech.

  • Ross : [to his parents] Look, I, uh- I realize you guys have been wondering what exactly happened between Carol and me, and, so, well, here's the deal. Carol's a lesbian. She's living with a woman named Susan. She's pregnant with my child, and she and Susan are going to raise the baby.

  • Ross : Wow, Joey, that's a steamy picture.

    Joey : Yeah, I know. The magazine said it was for my gay fans.

    [winks at Ross]

    Ross : Why'd you wink at me?

    Joey : Don't look at me. You're the one who like the picture so much.

  • Ross : [clinks wine glass] Uhh, excuse me. If I could have everybody's attention. I'm Ross Geller.

    Jack Geller : DR. Ross Geller.

    Ross : Dad.. Please. Anyway, as I was saying, I'm Dr. Ross Geller..

  • Joey : Ross, have you ever been beaten up before?

    Ross : Yeah, sure.

    Joey : By someone besides Monica?

  • Ross : Oh, I gotta go, kids.. I got Lamaze class.

    Chandler : Oh! And I got Earth Science but I'll catch you in gym?

  • Ross : I figured after work, I'd pick up a bottle of wine, go over there, and try to.. woo her.

    Chandler : Hey, you know what you should do? Take her back to the 1800's when that phrase was last used.

  • Ross : I think it'll be a boy.

    Phoebe : I think it'll be a girl.

    Ross : Phoebe, you thought Ben would be a girl.

    Phoebe : Have you seen him throw a ball?

  • [Jack knows that Richard is dating a younger woman, but doesn't know that it's actually Monica]

    Jack Geller : Come on, tell us.

    Jack's friend : Yeah. Is she really 20?

    Richard : I'm not telling you guys anything.

    Jack Geller : Come on, Rich. It's my birthday, let me live vicariously.

    Ross : Dad, you really don't want to do that.

    Jack Geller : Ahh, what's a little mid-life crisis between friends?

    Richard : Jack, would you let it go?

    Jack Geller : Look, I know what you're going through. When I turned 50 I got my Porsche. You.. you got your own speedster.

    Richard : Guys, seriously, it's not like that.

    Jack Geller : Tell you what, maybe one of these weekends you can borrow the car and I could..

    Ross : Dad, I beg you not to finish that sentence.

  • Ross : My dad wanted to know if you wanted to play racquetball with us.

    Monica : Wow. That's great. Dad must really like you, he doesn't ask just anyone to play.

    Ross : Yeah and he didn't really ask for you, he asked for Chancy, I assumed he meant you.

    Chandler : Well, did-did you correct him?

    Ross : No, I-I thought it would be more fun this way.

  • Chandler : [taking duck out in the hallway] Now you stay out here and you think about what you did.

    Ross : That's a duck.

    Chandler : That's a bad duck.

  • [Ross's hand is in a cast and he is struggling to write something down]

    Joey : Hey, do you need any help?

    Ross : Why, does it look like I'm having trouble with my mis-shapened claw?

  • Ross : Wow, you guys sure have a lot of books about being a lesbian.

    Susan : Well, you know, you have to take a course. Otherwise they don't let you do it.

  • [pounding a scone]

    Ross : Stupid British snack food.

    Chandler : Did they teach you that in your anger management class?

  • Ross : [on Monica's phone] Yeah, Tony, hold on.

    [gets second line]

    Ross : Hello? Yeah, she's right here. Hold on.

    [returns to second line]

    Ross : Yeah, Tony I'll call you back. It's my sister's boyfriend.

    [switches back to second line]

    Monica : Give me that.

    [into phone]

    Monica : Hi sweetie. Before I forget, did I leave my diaphragm at your house?


    Monica : Oh, hi mom.

    [starts throwing things at Ross]

  • [Ross looking at Monica's legs]

    Ross : Wow.

    Chandler : Hey stop staring at my wife's legs. No, no, stop staring at your sister's legs

  • Ross : So, uh, what did the insurance company say?

    Chandler : Oh, they said uh, 'You don't have insurance here so stop calling us.'

  • [Chandler's trying to quit smoking]

    Chandler : Eww, Lambchop. How old is that sock? If I had a sock in my hand for thirty years it'd be talking too.

    Ross : Okay, I think it's time to change someone's nicotine patch.

    [does so]

    Chandler : [deadpan] Ooh, I'm alive with pleasure now.

  • Ross : Hey, remember when I had a monkey? Yeah, what was I thinking?

  • Ross : [waiting for Rachel and Monica to come out of the bathroom] Good, good, good. So, is uh, was your moustache, did, used to be different?

    Richard : No.

    Ross : Oh. How do you uh, ya know, keep it so neat?

    Richard : I have a little comb.

    Ross : Oh. And what do you call that?

    Richard : A moustache comb.

  • Monica : You broke a little girl's leg?

    Ross : I know. I feel horrible. Okay.

    Chandler : [reading the paper] Says here that a Muppet got whacked on Sesame Street last night.

    [to Ross]

    Chandler : Where exactly were you around ten-ish?

  • [Upon learning he must move far away and commute to work]

    Ross : Why, it's like I've been given the gift of time.

    Chandler : That's great. Last year I got the gift of space. We should get together and make a continuum.

  • Phoebe : You still love Rachel.

    Ross : No, I don't.

    Phoebe : You got married to her.

    Ross : In Vegas. I was so drunk, I could've married Joey.

    Phoebe : [angry] Hey. You could do a lot worse than Joey Tribianni.

  • Monica : I am so jealous.

    Rachel : You guys are really just right there.Aren't you?

    Chandler : Yes.. Right where?

    Monica : The beginning, where it's all sex and talking and sex and talking..

    Chandler : Yeah you gotta love the talking.

    Monica : And the sex?

    Chandler : Alright we hadn't have sex yet. Okay. What's the big deal?This is special. I want our love to grow before moving to the next level.

    Rachel : Oh, chandler, that is so nice.

    Ross : That is really nice.. Lying! No way is that the reason.

    Rachel : Why? Just because you're not mature enough to understand something like that?

    Chandler : He's right. I'm totally lying.

    Monica : Then what is it?

    Chandler : Kathy's last boyfriend was Joey.

    Ross : And you're afraid you won't be able to fill his shoes?

    Chandler : No. I'm afraid I won't be able to make love as well as him.

    Ross : I was going for the metaphor.

    Chandler : Yes and I was saying the actual words.

    Monica : Big deal. So Joey has had a lot of girlfriends. That doesn't mean he's great in bed.

    Chandler : We share a wall. So either is great in bed, or she just liked to agree with him a lot.

    Monica : With you it's gonna be different. The sex is gonna be great because you guys are in love.

    Chandler : Yeah?

    Ross : Just go for it Chandler.

    Monica , Rachel : Yeah you should.

    Chandler : All right. All right. I'll sleep with my girlfriend. But I'm just doing it for you guys.

  • Chandler : You wanna tell secrets? Okay. In college, Ross used to wear leg warmers.

    Ross : All right. Chandler entered a Vanilla Ice look-a-like contest and won.

    Chandler : Ross came in fourth and cried.

    Ross : Chandler got drunk one night and slept with the woman who cleaned our dorm.

    Chandler : That was you.

    Ross : Whatever dude. You kissed a guy.

  • Monica : Look, Joey feels really bad for what happened. He thinks you hate him. He wants to move to Vermont.

    Ross : I don't hate him. It's just.. You know what, I'll go talk to him. It's not his fault.

    Monica : Thank you. He already asked me where he could exchange his dollars for Vermont money.

  • Ross : So, uh, how long are you going to punish him?

    Joey : Five years.

    Ross : You've sentenced him?

    Joey : Hey, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  • Rachel : Thank you for my beautiful earrings, they're perfect. I love you.

    Ross : Oh, now you can exchange them if you want, okay?

    Rachel : Now I love you even more.

  • Rachel : So are things between you and Joey getting any better?

    Chandler : It couldn't get any worse. Last night, I spent eight hours calling him, trying to get him to talk to me.

    Rachel : Oh, wow. Eight hours. So you could probably really use one of those plug-in telephone headsets, huh?

    Ross : Should we all expect Christmas gifts that can be stolen from your office?

    Rachel : You shouldn't.

  • [Ross is wearing a white suit]

    Monica : I like it even better on you than on Colonel Sanders.

    Ross : Look, I just came here to tell you guys something.

    Rachel : Oh. Was it how you invented the cotton gin?

  • Ross : Rachel won't talk to me. She won't even let me in the apartment.

    Phoebe : Hmmm, I wonder why, pervert?

    Ross : I'm not a pervert.

    Phoebe : Please, that's the pervert motto. They have you raise your right hand, put your left hand in your pants and say that.

  • Ross : Hi..

    Joey : Pfft.. This guy says, 'Hello, ' I wanna kill myself.

  • Ross : Because women never like Joey. You know, I hear he's a virgin?

  • Ross : What the hell are you doing, you scared the crap out of me!

  • Phoebe : You name one woman that you broke up with for a real reason.

    Chandler : Maureen Rosilla.

    Ross : 'Cause she doesn't hate Yanni' is not a real reason.

  • Ross : That sandwich was the one good thing in my life. Someone ate the one good thing in my life.

  • Ross : [Very drunk in Vegas] It's Joey, I love Joey!

    Rachel : Joey lives with a duck!

  • Ross : All right, I'll tell you why you're a bad driver. You're fast and irresponsible.

    Rachel : Well, excuse me but in high school that made me head cheerleader.

  • Ross : I had a dream last night where I was playing football with my kid.

    Joey , Chandler : That's nice.

    Ross : No, no, with him. I'm on this field, and they, they hike me the baby. I know I've gotta do something 'cause the Tampa Bay defense is comin' right at me.

    Joey : Tampa Bay's got a terrible team.

    Ross : Right, but, it is just me and the baby, so I'm thinkin' they can take us. And so I uh, I just heave it downfield.

    Chandler : What are you crazy? That's a baby!

    Joey : He should take the sack?

    Ross : Anyway, suddenly I'm downfield, and I realize that I'm the one who's supposed to catch him, right? Only I know there is no way I'm gonna get there in time, so I am running, and running, and that, that is when I woke up. See, I am so not ready to be a father.

    Chandler : Hey, you're gonna be fine. You're one of the most caring, most responsible men in North America. You're gonna make a great dad.

    Joey : Yeah, Ross. You and the baby just need better blocking.

  • Chandler : Ok, I'm just going to go outside.

    Ross : Whoa, whoa, hold it.

    Chandler : Don't worry. I'm not going to run away again. I just want to get some fresh air.

    Ross : Ok.

    Chandler : [exits into hallway and lights a cigarette] Ahh, fresh air..

  • Joey : Of course it was a line!

    Monica : Why? Why? Why would anyone do something like that?

    Ross : I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than, 'to get you into bed.'

  • Ross : Hey who is this Casey? Why's he calling Rachel?

    Chandler : Well I'm guessing he wants to do a little dance.. You know make a little love.. Well pretty much get down tonight..

    Ross : [puts message in cupboard]

  • Ross : You guys won't believe what I have to do for work today!

    Chandler : Yes, but Ross you chose a career of talking about dinosaurs.

  • [Chandler is caught smoking]

    Phoebe : Oh, I can't believe you. You've been so good, for three years.

    Chandler : And this- is my reward.

    Ross : Hold on a second, all right? Just think about what you went through the last time you quit.

    Chandler : Okay, so this time I won't quit.

  • Monica : Look, Chandler, I feel really bad about this. Please have this bachelor party.

    Chandler : No.

    Monica : Stop being a baby and watch the hot woman get naked.

    Chandler : ..All right.

    Joey : YEAH.

    Chandler : But, I'm only doing this for you.. And Joey.

    Monica : Ok, so who's going to be there?

    Chandler : No, no, no. Just Ross and Joey is humiliating enough.

    Ross : Well, actually, I have a date tonight.

    Chandler : Yeah, I understand. What kind of guy would blow off a date for a fake bachelor party.

    Joey : [on cell phone] Yeah, baby, I'm not gonna make it tonight..

  • Ross : Okay, there you go.

    Rachel : Sure. Sure, I'll just sit next to the.. transsexual from purchasing.

  • Chandler : I know they call this a love seat but I'm not feeling anything special towards you..

    Ross : [takes newspaper.. folds it up.. faces Chandler.. and hits him.. ]

  • Rachel : You always have to be right.

    Ross : I do not always- I'm not doing this.

    Rachel : Jurassic Park could happen.

    Ross : [gives up]

  • Resident's Commitee Member : [pinning up warning notice] Watch out for this guy. They say he's looking for some kind of Hot Girl.

    Ross : Who isn't?

    Neighbour : [doesn't laugh]

    Ross : Hi, I'm Ross, I'm new to the building.

    Neighbour : Yes, you were the one who didn't chip in for the handyman.

    Ross : Never mind.

    Neighbour : Actually, I thought it was unfair the way everyone reacted. You had just moved in.

    Ross : I had just moved in! Thank you!

  • Ross : [she's lost his monkey] This is just classic Rachel! You're off in Rachel land with no thought for people's feelings or monkeys!

  • Chandler : At least your middle name isn't Murial!

    Ross : Chandler M Bing? Your parents never gave you a chance, did they?

  • Phoebe : [singing in the Hospital] At first they're so cute and soft to the touch/ Then they grow up and resent you so much/ Now they're yelling at you and you don't know why/ and you cry and you cry and you cry/ and you cry and you cry and you cry and you cry.. Thanks Ross!

    Ross : I'm paying you to STOP!

  • Ross : I went through the same thing with Carol and you know what I did? I got dressed really quickly.

  • Joey : Ross, if Homo Sapiens were HOMO Sapiens, is that why they're extinct?

    Ross : Joey, 'Homo Sapiens' are People.

    Joey : Hey, I'm not Judging!

  • [When one of Ross' male students claims to be in love with him]

    Ross : I mean, last year Elizabeth now-now this kid. What-what-what-what is it? Am I giving out some kind of.. sexy professor vibe?

    Rachel : Not right now.

  • Mona : Thanks for showing me your semi-precious stone collection. You got 300 of them. It was fascinating. So, we still on for tonight?

    Ross : Sure.

    Mona : Ok. Bye.

    Ross : Bye.

    Chandler : [to Ross] Wow, you must be great in bed.

  • Ross : You're crazy!

    Benjamin Hobart : Crazy? Or.. Romantic?

    Ross : Crazy!

    Benjamin Hobart : Ooor..

    Ross : Get out!

  • Dr. Leonard Green : So, Geller, is this what you dumped my Rachel for,

    [points at Mona]

    Dr. Leonard Green : so you could hang around with this tramp!

    Mona : *Tramp*?

    Ross : Oh, uh; Dr. Green, Mona; Mona, Dr. Green.

  • Ross : The door's closed! I can't see anything with the door closed!

    Chandler : And the inventor of the door rests happily in his grave.

  • Ross : Wow, you sure have a lot of books on being a Lesbian.

    Susan : Well, you have to take a Course. Otherwise they don't let you do it.

  • Gunther : Here is your coffee.

    Ross : Thanks Gunther, or 'dank je wel voor de koffie'.

    Gunther : You are speaking Dutch - 'heb je familie daar?'

    Ross : Yeah we are done.

    Gunther : Ezel.

  • Chandler : Did you do it on our invitations?

    Ross : Not on the ones we sent out.

    Chandler : Oh, so it was on the ones, we had framed.

  • Ross : So I don't know if he's testing me or just acting out but my monkey is OUT OF CONTROL!.. He keeps erasing the messages on my machine!

    Rachel : Oh yeah.. I've done that

    Ross : And a few days ago he got to the newspaper before I did and peed all over the crossword!

    Rachel : I've never done that

    Ross : And last night I don't know what he did but there were capers EVERYWHERE!

  • Ross : I made Marcel's favorite: Banana cake..

    Joey : Mmm.

    Ross : ..with mealworm.

    Joey : Ugh.

  • Ross : I want someone who gets my heart pounding

    [sees Rachel]

    Ross : .. Someone who..

    Chandler : Little play things with yarn?

    Ross : What?

    Chandler : Could you want her more?

    Ross : Who?

    Chandler : Dee the sarcastic sister from 'What's Happening'.

  • Ross : [Long, serious lecture] All of which proves that I thought of Jurassic Park first.

  • Joey Tribbiani : [whispers] Not knowing when to shut up!

    Ross : Yep, that's my thing..

  • Phoebe : [Chandler's run off] Come on, Ross we've got to think like Chandler!

    Ross : So where's the one place he'd never expect us to look?

    [Scene Cuts]

    Ross : So THIS is your Office?

  • Ross : There was nothing in your father's fridge except Heavy Cream and Bacon. I think I solved the mystery of the heart attack.

  • Dr. Leonard Green : Rust is boat cancer, Ross!

    Ross : I lost an aunt to that.

  • Ross : It's always been you, Rachel!

    [they kiss and are happy until a minute and a half later, when Rachel notices her name on Chandler's Computer Screen]

  • Ross : You're going to destroy the Whole Illusion of the Party!

  • Ross : 'Ooh, I must Take a Mental Picture'!

    Phoebe : You were making fun of Parker? Okay so he's Positive and Energetic and maybe that's a bit much, but I like that about him. You wanna know what I think? I think your collective dating record reads like a Who's Who of Human Crap!

    Ross : ..What was wrong with Mona?

  • Rachel : You just grabbed some insane woman at the Coffee House?

    Ross : None of the Sane ones wanted to come back with me!

  • Chandler : I was being Shelley Winters from the Poseidon Adventure.

    Ross : I know.

  • Ross : My Dad would say 'Why are you messing around with Dinosaur Toys? Why don't you go out and play like a Real Boy!'


  • Monica : [as the movers are moving a dresser out of the bedroom] Careful with that, it was my Grandmother's. Be careful.

    [Two more movers are moving the giant white dog statue from the balcony]

    Monica : If that falls off the truck, it wouldn't be the worst thing.

    [She hands the one mover some money]

    Ross : [Looking around the now empty apartment] Wow.

    Rachel : I know. Seems smaller, somehow.

    Joey : Has it always been purple?

    Chandler : [to the babies] Look around, you guys. This was your first home.. and it was a happy place filled with love and laughter. But, more importantly, 'cause of rent control, it was a friggin' steal.

    Phoebe : Hey, do you realize that at one time or another, we all lived in this apartment?

    Monica : Oh yeah, that's true.

    Ross : Uh, I haven't.

    Monica : No, what about the Summer during college that you lived with Grandma? And you tried to make it as a dancer.

    Ross : [as everyone awkwardly stares at him] Do you realize we almost made it 10 years without that coming up?

    Monica : [to Chandler] Oh, Honey, I promised Treeger that we'd leave our keys.

    Chandler : Oh, okay.

    [as Monica and Chandler take their keys out of their pockets and place them on the kitchen counter, Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, and Joey, also, take out their keys to Monica's apartment and place them on the kitchen counter]

    Phoebe : I guess this is it.

    Joey : Yeah.. I guess so.

    Monica : [Crying] This is harder than I thought it would be.

    [Chandler kisses Monica on her head, then hugs her, as Ross does the same to Rachel, whom is also crying, with Ross also hugging Monica, while still hugging Rachel, with Phoebe crying as well]

    Rachel : What, do you guys have to move to the new house right away or do you have some time?

    Monica : [Monica and Chandler look at each other, with Chandler nodding in agreement] We got some time.

    Rachel : Okay, should we get some coffee?

    Chandler : Sure.

    [They begin walking towards the front door to exit the apartment]

    Chandler : Where?

    [They group is then seen in the hallway, coming out of the apartment, walking to the stairway, as the camera pans Monica's now-empty apartment, panning from the balcony window into the kitchen, past the refrigerator, to the front door, and finally zooms in on the front door's peephole, which is still surrounded by the yellow picture frame]

Joey Votto
Cincinnati Reds – No. 19
First baseman
Born:September 10, 1983 (age 35)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bats: LeftThrows: Right
MLB debut
September 4, 2007, for the Cincinnati Reds
MLB statistics
(through June 28, 2019)
Batting average.309
Home runs277
Runs batted in918
  • Cincinnati Reds (2007–present)
Career highlights and awards
  • 6× All-Star (2010–2013, 2017, 2018)
  • NL MVP (2010)
  • NLHank Aaron Award (2010)
  • Gold Glove Award (2011)
  • 2× Lou Marsh Trophy (2010, 2017)
  • 7× Tip O'Neill Award (2010–2013, 2015-2017)

Joseph Daniel Votto (born September 10, 1983) is a Canadianprofessional baseballfirst baseman for the Cincinnati Reds of Major League Baseball (MLB). He made his MLB debut with the Reds in 2007.

Votto is a six-time MLB All-Star, a seven-time Tip O'Neill Award winner, and two-time Lou Marsh Trophy winner as Canada's athlete of the year.[1] In 2010, he won the National League (NL) MVP Award and the NL Hank Aaron Award. Among all active players at the end of the 2018 season, he was first in career on-base percentage (.427), second in OPS (.957) and walks (1,104), and fourth in batting average (.311).

  • 2Professional career
    • 2.2Cincinnati Reds

Early life[edit]

Votto was born to Wendy (née Howell) and Joseph Votto[2] in Toronto, Ontario, and grew up in the district of Etobicoke. His mother is a sommelier and restaurant manager. His father was a chef and a baseball fan who died at age 52 in 2008.[3] He is of Italian descent. As a child, he adorned his wall with a Ted Williams poster.[4]

Votto enrolled in high school at Richview Collegiate Institute in 1997. In high school, he also played basketball—playing point guard and once scoring 37 points in a game—and hockey.[5] He played for the Etobicoke Rangers baseball program.[6] After high school, Votto signed a National Letter of Intent to play college baseball for the Coastal Carolina Chanticleers.[7]

Professional career[edit]

Minor leagues[edit]

The Cincinnati Reds selected Votto out of high school in the second round with the 44th overall selection of the 2002 MLB draft. While playing for the Reds' rookie-level affiliate Dayton Dragons of the Class AMidwest League, he hit 26 doubles and 14 home runs with a batting average of .302. He was promoted to the Potomac Cannons of the Class A-AdvancedCarolina League and hit 5 more home runs in 20 games to end the season with 19 round-trippers. In addition to playing first base in the minors, Votto made appearances in the outfield and as a catcher. During the 2005 campaign with the Sarasota Reds of the Class A-Advanced Florida State League, he hit 19 home runs but struck out 122 times and his batting average dropped nearly 50 points to .256.[citation needed]

Votto rebounded in 2006 with the best season of his minor league career. Playing for the Chattanooga Lookouts of the Class AASouthern League, he improved his batting average to .319, and hit 46 doubles and 22 home runs. He led the Southern League in batting average and total bases and was third in home runs and runs batted in (RBI). He was selected to play in the 2006 All-Star Futures Game on the World Team. He was named to both the Mid-Season and Post-Season Southern League All-Star teams, and was voted a minor league all-star by Baseball America. He culminated his season by winning the Southern League Most Valuable Player Award. During his five seasons in the minors, Votto carried Ted Williams' The Science of Hitting with him.[4]

Cincinnati Reds[edit]

2007 season[edit]

Votto started the 2007 season playing for the Louisville Bats of the Class AAAInternational League. The Reds promoted Votto to the major leagues on September 1, 2007. He made his major league debut on September 4, striking out against Guillermo Mota of the New York Mets. In his second major league at-bat, he hit his first career home run. He went 3–for–5 and scored two runs as the Reds won the game, 7–0. On September 8, he went 1–for–3 with a home run and three runs batted in. His three RBI were the only Reds' runs as they lost to the Milwaukee Brewers, 4–3. In his next game, he went 2–for–4. On September 14, he stole his first career base against the Brewers.[citation needed] He ended the season going 2–for–4 with a home run and 5 RBI in the Cincinnati Reds' final game of the 2007 season.[8] He finished the season batting .321 with four home runs and 17 RBI.

2008 season[edit]

Votto in spring training, 2008

Beginning with the 2008 season, Votto shared time platooning at first base with Scott Hatteberg until manager Dusty Baker began playing Votto as the Reds' starting first baseman in early April. On April 15, he hit his first home run of the season off Michael Wuertz. He drove in a career-high 5 runs against the Cubs two games later.[citation needed] On May 7, Votto hit three home runs in a game against the Chicago Cubs.[9]

Votto hit his first career pinch-hit home run against Cleveland's Cliff Lee, who would go on to win the AL Cy Young Award. On August 31, Votto had his first career four-hit game against the San Francisco Giants. He knocked in 4 runs in a 9–3 Reds victory.[citation needed] On September 18, Votto and teammate Jay Bruce each homered twice. They became the fifth rookie teammates in the divisional-era to hit 20 home runs in the same season.[10]

Votto finished second in National League Rookie of the Year voting to the Chicago Cubs' Geovany Soto.[11] He led all NL rookies in hitting (.297), hits (156), HR (24), total bases (266), multi-hit games (42), on-base percentage (.368) and slugging percentage (.506).[12] Votto also broke the Reds' record for the most runs batted in by a rookie in a season. The previous record was held by National Baseball Hall of FameoutfielderFrank Robinson with 83 in 1956. Votto drove in 84 runs during the 2008 season.

2009 season[edit]

Votto played for Canada in the 2009 World Baseball Classic. In Canada's first game against the United States, he had four hits in five at-bats, one of which was a home run.[13]

Votto began the 2009 season as the outright starter at first base. In the second game of the season, he went 3-for-5 with a home run and 3 RBI in a loss to the New York Mets. In the next game against the Mets, he had another homer and four RBI. He had a six-game hitting streak from April 12–18. On April 23, he went 4–for–5 with a home run and 2 runs batted in against the Cubs.[14] In April, he posted a .346 batting average, swatted 3 home runs, and racked up 20 RBI during the month of April.[15]

Votto opened May with a five-game hitting streak. In a May matchup against the St. Louis Cardinals, he had two homers and four RBI. He finished the month with five home runs and a .378 batting average. However, he was placed on the DL to open June after missing time in May due to personal issues. Prior to his return game during the 2009 season, he indicated he had been suffering from depression and anxiety issues as a result of the sudden death of his father in August 2008 and had sought treatment.[16] He had previously missed time because of dizziness related to an inner ear infection.

Votto made his return against the Toronto Blue Jays on June 23. In his third game back, he went 4–for–5 with a home run and four RBI.[14] After going hitless in his fourth game back, he had a 14-game hitting streak. During that stretch, he batted .389 with three home runs and 14 RBI. His hitting streak ended against the Mets on July 12 when he went 0–for–2.[14] Votto was named the National League Player of the Week for September 21–27, 2009, after hitting 10 doubles in a 5-game span, a feat not accomplished in 77 years since Hall of Fame outfielder Paul Waner of the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1932.[17] Despite missing 31 games overall, Votto finished the 2009 season among the National League leaders in batting average (.322), on-base percentage (.414) and slugging percentage (.567), and he hit 25 home runs.[12]

2010 season: NL MVP[edit]

Votto started the 2010 season by going 3–for–5 with a home run and a run batted in. By the end of April, he had four home runs and 12 RBI. His average was .275, but his on-base percentage was .400 because of 18 bases on balls. In the month of May, he batted .344 with 6 home runs and 21 runs batted in. However, he missed the last six games that month because of a sore neck. He would be back on June 1 in a game against the Cardinals. He went 4–for–5 with a home run and 1 RBI. The Reds won the game to regain the NL Central lead.

Votto was not initially voted to the 2010 All-Star game in Anaheim, California, but he made the roster via online fan voting through the National League's Final Vote. He was named on 13.7 million of the 26 million ballots submitted.[18] Votto went 0–for–2 in the game.[citation needed] On August 25, Votto went 4–for–7 with 2 home runs and 4 RBI. He also drove in the tie-breaking run with a single off Giants pitcher Barry Zito.[19] Votto made the cover of Sports Illustrated on the August 30, 2010 edition.

On September 11, Votto hit his first career walk-off home run off Pirates relief pitcher Justin Thomas.[citation needed] For the season, Votto hit .324 with 113 RBI, 106 runs scored and 37 home runs, including a grand slam off Tommy Hanson of the Atlanta Braves on May 20. He finished the season leading the Major Leagues in On-Base Percentage (.424) and led the National League in Slugging Percentage (.600) and On-base plus slugging (1.024). The Reds made the postseason but lost to the Phillies in the National League Divisional Series in a three-game sweep.[20] Votto struggled in the series, batting .091 with one run batted in.[12]

Votto won the 2010 Hank Aaron Award in the National League.[21] Votto was announced as the 2010 NL MVP, coming within one vote of winning unanimously as Albert Pujols received the other first-place vote.[22] He was only the third Canadian to win the MVP award, after Larry Walker and Justin Morneau.[23] He became the first Reds player to win the National League MVP since Barry Larkin won it in 1995. 'Not to be dramatic or anything, but after I was told, I couldn't help but cry because I know how much at some point this meant to me and would have meant to my (late) father,' Votto remarked after being named MVP. He added, 'I did some pretty good things, and most importantly, we won. We went to the playoffs – it's been a long time since we'd been to the playoffs—and I think those all together were the reason I won.'[23]

2011 season[edit]

Votto, 2011

On January 16, 2011, it was announced that the Reds and Votto had agreed to a three-year, $38-million deal.[24]

Votto homered in the Reds' first game of the 2011 season—a solo homer off Kameron Loe of the Brewers. He recorded his first 4-hit game of the season against the Arizona Diamondbacks and raised his average to .455. By the end of April, he had a .370 batting average, 4 home runs, and 14 runs batted in. He posted a .500 on-base percentage. He began the season by reaching base in 27 consecutive games dating back to the previous season. The club record was set by Dave Collins with 34 in 1981.[citation needed]

On June 25, Votto hit his 100th career home run against Brian Matusz of the Orioles. He later added another home run in the game. That was also his first multi-homer game of the season. He also drove in five runs, his most in a game during the season.[25] On July 3, Votto was voted in by the players for the 2011 All-Star Game as a reserve. He went 0–for–2 with a strikeout.[12]

On August 28, Votto hit a walk-off home run against the Nationals in the 14th inning. On September 24, he drove in 2 runs against the Pirates for his 100th and 101st RBI of the season, becoming the first Reds player to drive in 100 runs in back-to-back seasons since Dave Parker in 1985–1986.[26]

Votto finished the season with a .309 batting average, 29 home runs, and 103 RBI. He also led the NL in doubles (40), bases on balls (110), and on-base percentage (.416).[12] On November 1, Votto won his first Gold Glove Award. He finished sixth in the NL MVP voting.[12]

2012 season[edit]

On April 2, 2012, Votto signed a 10-year, $225 million contract extension with the Reds, which runs through the 2024 season.[27] The deal includes the two years that remained on his previous contract and pushes the total worth of the contract to 12 years and $251.5 million—the longest active deal in baseball at the time. The deal (including the one-year team option), is the 13th-largest deal in MLB history.[28] At the time, it was the longest guaranteed contract in MLB history.[29] Also, the contract made Votto the highest paid athlete from Canada.[28]

On May 13, Votto went 4–for–5 with 3 home runs and 6 RBI, including a walk-off grand slam against the Washington Nationals in a 9–6 win. It was the first time in major league history that a player hit three home runs including a walk-off grand slam in a single game.[30]

On July 1, Votto was selected by the fans as a National League team starter in the 2012 MLB All-Star Game.[31] At the time of his selection, he was hitting .350 with 14 home runs and 47 RBIs.

On July 16, the Reds announced that Votto would need arthroscopic knee surgery to repair a torn meniscus in his left knee and was expected to miss three to four weeks.[32] He originally hurt the knee June 29 sliding into third base.[33] He left the next day before the bottom of the fifth inning and missed the next two games because of inflammation in his knee.[34][35] At the time surgery was announced, he was leading the NL in walks, doubles, OBP, and extra-base hits. He was second in RISP average and third in slugging percentage.[35]

On September 5, Votto returned to the Reds' lineup in a game against the Philadelphia Phillies. In his first at-bat since July 15, he lined a single off pitcher Roy Halladay in the first inning. He would finish the game by 2–for–3 with a base on balls.[36] After his return from the disabled list, he struggled with his power numbers. In 25 games, he hit 8 doubles and drove in 7 runs, but didn't hit any homers. He still got on base at a high clip with an OBP of .505 and walking 28 times. In that span, he also batted over .316.[37]

Votto finished the season having played in 111 games—the fewest he had played in a season since becoming the Reds' starting first basemen in 2008. He had a .337 batting average, .474 on-base percentage, and a .567 slugging percentage to go along with 14 home runs, 56 RBI, and 44 doubles.[38] His 94 walks led the NL. (Eighteen of his walks were intentional, which led the majors.)

2013 season[edit]


In late February, Votto was voted by fans as the 'Face of the MLB,' a contest that pits the 'face' of every MLB team against each other and uses Twitter. He received more votes than Joe Mauer, Jose Bautista, Derek Jeter, Andrew McCutchen, and Matt Kemp.[citation needed]

Votto played for Team Canada in the 2013 World Baseball Classic.[citation needed]

Votto homered on consecutive days from April 20–21 against the Marlins, making it the first time since September 10–11 of 2011 he homered in consecutive games.[39] In July, he was again voted as an All-Star starter for the 2013 Major League Baseball All-Star Game. It was his fourth All-Star appearance, and in the game, he went 0–for–2, making him a career 0–for–9 in All-Star Games.[40]

2014 season[edit]

Votto before a game in April 2014

On May 21, 2014, Votto was placed on the 15-day disabled list with a strained left quadriceps. He returned on June 10, but he went back on the DL with the same injury on July 8 and didn't make it back before the end of the season. In 62 games played, he hit a career-low .255 with a .390 on-base percentage, .409 slugging percentage, 6 home runs, 47 walks, and 23 RBI.[citation needed]

2015 season[edit]

On May 6, 2015, Votto was ejected following a strikeout where he threw his helmet down in frustration. Speculation claimed that prior to his ejection, he had choice words with Gerrit Cole during his at-bat. After getting ejected, Votto appeared to have bumped Chris Conroy. It was only his 5th career ejection and his first one since 2010. He later received a one-game suspension for this act, which he served when the Reds played the Chicago White Sox.[41]

On June 9, Votto hit 3 home runs in a single game for the third time in his career in a game against the Philadelphia Phillies. (The last Reds player to accomplish this feat was Johnny Bench.)[42] On August 2, Votto was ejected following a bench-clearing brawl between the Reds and the Pirates.[43] On September 10, Votto was ejected for arguing balls and strikes. It was the third time of the season that Votto was ejected; coincidentally, all three times have been against the Pittsburgh Pirates.[44] On September 11, MLB suspended Votto for two games with an option to appeal.[45] On October 2, Votto tied a Reds record set by Pete Rose in 1978 when he got on base for his 48th straight game.[46] In 158 games of 2015, Votto had an MLB-leading 143 walks, a .314 batting average, 29 home runs, and 80 RBI. He walked in 20.6% of his at bats (leading the major leagues), and he swung at only 19.1% of pitches outside the strike zone (the lowest percentage in the majors).[47][48]

Following the season, Votto was awarded his fifth Tip O'Neill Award.[49] He also finished third in the National League MVP voting behind Bryce Harper and Paul Goldschmidt.

2016 season[edit]

Votto grabbing shirt of fan who interrupted Votto's attempt to catch a foul ball

After hitting a season-low .213 on May 31, Votto became the first player in MLB since Ichiro Suzuki in 2004 to hit .400 after the All-Star Break. Votto hit .408/.490/.668 in the second half.[citation needed]

Votto's .326 season average was the second-best of his career, behind only his 2012 season, where he hit .337.[50] Votto hit 29 home runs, second only to his 2010 MVP season.[50]

Votto finished the season with a .326 (3rd in the NL)/.435 (leading the NL)/.550 (6th in the NL) line; he also had 108 walks, 29 home runs, and 97 RBI (10th in the NL), while playing 158 games for the second straight season. He was also among the NL league leaders in OPS (.985, 2nd), walks (T2nd), hits (8th), runs (9th), and total bases (306, 10th). He became the 10th player in Major League history to lead his league in on-base percentage at least 5 times; the only players who had done it more years were Barry Bonds (10) and Hall of Famers Ted Williams (12), Babe Ruth (10), Rogers Hornsby (9), Ty Cobb (7), Wade Boggs (6), and Stan Musial (6).[51]

2017 season[edit]

Votto finished the first half of the 2017 season with a slash line of .315/.427/.614[52] while slugging 26 home runs, which tied for the NL lead with Marlins outfielder Giancarlo Stanton.[53] This performance earned Joey his fifth career All-Star appearance as a substitute. Votto was also known for his promise of buying teammate Zack Cozart a donkey for making the 2017 All-Star Game.[54] After many interviews and an appearance in a donkey suit on MLB Network's 'Intentional Talk,'[55] Cozart won the fan vote and made the cut as the National League starting shortstop. Votto upheld his end of the deal, buying Cozart a donkey shortly afterward. As the second half of the season passed, the Reds continued to struggle, but Votto did just the opposite. Late in the year, Votto had a streak of consecutive games reaching base multiple times, which spanned 20 games and was the second longest in MLB history behind Ted Williams' 1948 record of 21.[56]

He finished the year with a stat-line that consisted of a .319 batting average (4th in the NL), .578 slugging percentage (7th), 106 runs scored (6th), 36 homers (6th), and 100 runs batted in (10th).[57] He led the league in OBP at .454, OPS (at 1.032), in walks for the fifth season (134), in walk percentage (at 19%), and in walks per strikeout (at 1.61), while leading the majors in intentional walks (20).[58][59] His WAR total equaled out to 7.5, his second-highest since his year in 2015 when he had 7.6 WAR.[60] Votto's homer total was one under his 2010 season as well. Votto became just the first Reds player since Pete Rose in 1975 to start all 162 regular season games in a season and just the fourth player in franchise history to do so.[61] He swung at only 15.8% of pitches outside the strike zone (the lowest percentage in the majors).[62] Among all active players at the end of the season, he was first in career on-base percentage (.428), second in OPS (.969), third in batting average (.313), fourth in walks (996), and fifth in slugging percentage (.541).[63]

End-of-season awards for Votto included selection as first baseman on Baseball America's All-MLB Team and his second Lou Marsh Trophy.[64] Votto also finished second in the National League MVP voting, narrowly losing out to Giancarlo Stanton by 2 votes in the fourth-closest vote in MLB history.[65]

2018 season[edit]

Votto at the 2018 Major League Baseball Home Run Derby

With eight home runs and 44 RBIs, Votto was named to the 2018 MLB All-Star Game.[66] For the season, he batted .284/.417 /.419.[67] For the third year running, he led the National League in on-base percentage. He swung at only 16.4% of pitches outside the strike zone (yet again, the lowest percentage in the majors).[62]

Player profile[edit]

Votto is known for being a clutch hitter. Through June 9, 2014, he had a career .312 batting average, 163 home runs, and 542 runs batted in. He has been known to show great patience at the plate. He led the NL in bases on balls with 110 in 2011; despite missing 51 games in 2012, he led the NL in that category. His career on-base percentage is .425.[12] He led the NL in that category from 2010 to 2013 and 2016; he finished second in 2015, one point behind Bryce Harper's .460 OBP.[12]

Votto has been recognized for his defensive play as a first baseman. He led the league in assists (with 136) for first basemen in 2008, a feat he repeated in consecutive seasons in 2011 and 2012. He finished fifth in 2009 with 101 assists and second in 2010 with 128 assists.[12] In 2011, he also led all NL first basemen in putouts (1,341), and he was third in fielding percentage (.996). That year, he won his first Gold Glove Award.

Personal life[edit]

Votto lives in Mount Adams, Cincinnati.[28] He has three brothers: Tyler, and twin brothers named Ryan and Paul. Votto has a mastiff-golden retriever mix named 'Maris,' who was named after former baseball player Roger Maris.[68] Votto is represented by sports agent Dan Lozano.[28]

Career awards and honours[edit]

Major League:[69]

  • 2018 National League All-Star
  • 2018 National League Player of the Week (Week of April 23–29)
  • 2017 Lou Gehrig Memorial Award
  • 2017 National League Player of the Week (Week of June 26–July 2)
  • 2017 National League All-Star (Cincinnati)
  • 2017 Lou Marsh Trophy
  • 2017 Tip O'Neill Award
  • 2016 Tip O'Neill Award
  • 2015 Tip O'Neill Award
  • 2013 National League Player of the Week (Week of May 13–19)
  • 2013 National League All-Star
  • 2013 Tip O'Neill Award
  • 2012 National League All-Star
  • 2012 Tip O'Neill Award
  • 2011 Gold Glove Award (first-base)
  • 2011 National League All-Star
  • 2011 National League Player of the Week (Week of July 25–31)
  • 2010 National League Most Valuable Player
  • 2010 National League Hank Aaron Award
  • 2010 Ernie Lombardi Award
  • 2010 National League All-Star
  • 2010 Tip O'Neill Award
  • 2010 Lou Marsh Trophy
  • 2010 Syl Apps Athlete of the Year Award, awarded to Ontario's athlete of the year
  • 2009 National League Player of the Week (Week of September 21–27)
  • 2008 National League Rookie of the Month (September)

Minor League:

  • 2007 INT Post-Season All Star (Louisville)
  • 2007 INT Mid-Season All Star (Louisville)
  • 2007 INT Rookie of the Year (Louisville)
  • 2007 Baseball America Triple-A All Star (Louisville)
  • 2006 Baseball America Double-A All Star (Chattanooga)
  • 2006 SOUMost Valuable Player (Chattanooga)
  • 2006 SOU Mid-Season All Star (Chattanooga)
  • 2006 SOU Post-Season All Star (Chattanooga)

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See also[edit]


  1. ^'Votto wins Lou Marsh Award as Canada's athlete of the year'. The Globe and Mail. Toronto. December 15, 2010. Retrieved December 15, 2010.
  2. ^'Joseph Votto'. The Windsor Star. Retrieved December 4, 2015.
  3. ^Sheldon, Mark (June 23, 2009). 'Votto: 'I felt I was going to die''. MLB.com.
  4. ^ abVerducci, Tom (July 17, 2012). 'Votto's injury could lead to changes for Reds, NL Central race'. SportsIllustrated.CNN.com. Retrieved July 18, 2012.
  5. ^Morgan Campbell (October 15, 2015). 'Joey Votto: The reason Richview roots for red'. TheStar.com.
  6. ^Seguin, Chanelle (October 12, 2011). 'Joey Votto a former Etobicoke Ranger'. Humber Etcetera. Archived from the original on February 21, 2014. Retrieved April 12, 2013.
  7. ^Puskar, Gene J. (June 27, 2015). 'Former CCU recruits Matz, Votto to square off in Mets-Reds game'. Sun News. Retrieved November 6, 2015.
  8. ^'Reds close out season with a victory'. MLB.com. Retrieved September 8, 2008.
  9. ^'Reds ride four-homer second inning past Lieber, Cubs'. Espn.com. Associated Press. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  10. ^'Votto, Bruce lead Reds' home run barrage; Brewers lose 14th September game'. Espn.com. Associated Press. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  11. ^2008 NL Rookie of the Year Voting Baseballreference.com
  12. ^ abcdefghi'Joey Votto Statistics and History'. Baseball-Reference.com. Associated Press. June 3, 2013. Retrieved June 3, 2013.
  13. ^Dunn, McCann knock two-run homers as USA holds off Canada CBS Sports
  14. ^ abc'Joey Votto 2009 Batting Gamelogs'. Baseball-Reference.com. Associated Press. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  15. ^'Joey Votto 2009 Battling Splits'. Baseball-Reference.com. Associated Press. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  16. ^''I thought I was going to die''. Canoe.com.
  17. ^'Votto earns NL Player of Week honor'. Cincinnati Reds.
  18. ^Newman, Mark (July 8, 2010). 'Votto, Swisher win tight Final Vote'. MLB.com. Retrieved July 8, 2010.
  19. ^'Reds recover from blown nine-run lead to beat Giants in 12'. Espn.com. Associated Press. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  20. ^'2011 Cincinnati Reds Batting, Pitching, and Fielding Statistics'. Baseball-Reference.com. Associated Press. June 3, 2013. Retrieved June 3, 2013.
  21. ^Ortiz, Jorge L. (October 31, 2010). 'Jose Bautista and Joey Votto named recipients of Hank Aaron Award'. USA Today.
  22. ^Votto wins NL MVP by overwhelming margin MLB.com
  23. ^ abOrtiz, Jorge L. (November 22, 2012). 'Reds slugger Joey Votto wins National League MVP'. USA Today. Retrieved July 18, 2012.
  24. ^Reds reward MVP Votto with three-year deal MLB.com
  25. ^'Joey Votto hits two homers as Reds outslug Orioles'. Espn.com. Associated Press. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  26. ^'Josh Harrison, Pirates assure Reds of losing season'. Espn.com. Associated Press. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  27. ^'Joey Votto agrees to 10-year, $225 million deal with Reds'. USA Today. April 2, 2012.
  28. ^ abcdElliot, Bob (April 14, 2012). 'Joey Votto: Legend in the making'. Toronto Sun. Retrieved June 29, 2013.
  29. ^'Joey Votto agrees to 10-year deal'. ESPN.com. April 4, 2012. Retrieved June 29, 2013.
  30. ^Kay, Joe (May 13, 2012). 'Joey Votto Hits Walk-Off Grand Slam Slam: Reds Star's 3 Home Runs Lifts Reds Past Nationals 9–6 (VIDEO)'. The Huffington Post.
  31. ^Sanchez, Jesse (July 1, 2012). 'Rosters unveild for 83rd All-Star Game'. MLB.com. Retrieved July 2, 2012.
  32. ^'Cincinnati Reds' Joey Votto needs knee surgery, will miss 3–4 weeks'.
  33. ^'Votto out 3–4 weeks for knee surgery'. SportsIllustrated.CNN.com. AP. July 16, 2012. Retrieved July 17, 2012.
  34. ^Sheldon, Mark (June 30, 2012). 'Latos keeps rolling with gem against Giants'. MLB.com. Retrieved July 17, 2012.
  35. ^ abFay, John (July 17, 2012). 'Joey Votto to have knee surgery, miss 3–4 weeks'. Cincinnati Enquirer. Retrieved July 17, 2012.
  36. ^'Phillies back Roy Halladay with 2 homers, rout Reds'. Espn.com. Associated Press. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  37. ^'Joey Votto 2012 Batting Splits'. Baseball-Reference.com. Associated Press. June 3, 2013. Retrieved June 3, 2013.
  38. ^'Joey Votto Stats'. ESPN.com.
  39. ^'Joey Votto homers again as Reds throttle Marlins'. Espn.com. Associated Press. June 9, 2013. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  40. ^'All-Star Games: Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 8:00PM, Citi Field'. Baseball-Reference.com.
  41. ^Snyder, Matt. 'Votto ejected, bumps umpire'. CBS Sports. Retrieved May 6, 2015.
  42. ^Kay, Joe (June 9, 2015). 'Votto blasts three home runs in same game'. Fox Sports. Retrieved June 9, 2015.
  43. ^'WATCH: Benches clear in Blue Jays-Royals, Pirates-Reds games'. CBSSports.com. Retrieved December 4, 2015.
  44. ^'Reds' Joey Votto completely loses it after getting ejected in Pirates game – For The Win'. For The Win. Retrieved December 4, 2015.
  45. ^Sheldon, Mark. 'Votto suspended 2 games, will appeal'. M.mlb.com. Retrieved September 11, 2015.
  46. ^'Joey Votto ties Pete Rose's Reds mark with 48 straight games on base'. CBSSports.com. Retrieved December 4, 2015.
  47. ^Major League Leaderboards » 2015 » Batters » Advanced Statistics FanGraphs Baseball
  48. ^Major League Leaderboards » 2015 » Batters » Plate Discipline Statistics FanGraphs Baseball
  49. ^'Toronto-born Reds first baseman wins Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame award'. CTV News. The Canadian Press. December 4, 2015. Retrieved December 4, 2015.
  50. ^ ab'Joey Votto Stats, Fantasy & News'. Cincinnati Reds. Retrieved October 3, 2016.
  51. ^'Joey Votto Stats, Fantasy & News'. Cincinnati Reds. Retrieved October 1, 2018.
  52. ^'Joey Votto Stats Baseball-Reference.com'. Baseball-Reference.com. Retrieved July 30, 2017.
  53. ^'Sortable Player Stats'. Major League Baseball. Retrieved July 30, 2017.
  54. ^'Joey Votto is planning to get Zack Cozart a donkey if he makes the All-Star Game roster'. CBSSports.com. Retrieved July 30, 2017.
  55. ^'Joey Votto dressed like a donkey to help get Zack Cozart to the All-Star Game'. Major League Baseball. Retrieved July 30, 2017.
  56. ^'Joey Votto on base twice for 20th game in row'. Major League Baseball. Retrieved October 2, 2017.
  57. ^'Joey Votto 2017 Batting Splits Baseball-Reference.com'. Baseball-Reference.com. Retrieved October 2, 2017.
  58. ^'National League Leaderboards » 2017 » Batters » Advanced Statistics - FanGraphs Baseball'. Fangraphs.com. Retrieved October 1, 2018.
  59. ^Major League Leaderboards » 2017 » Batters » Standard Statistics FanGraphs Baseball
  60. ^'Joey Votto Batting Stats Baseball-Reference.com'. Baseball-Reference.com. Retrieved October 2, 2017.
  61. ^'Reds' Joey Votto on pace to start all 162 games'. Cincinnati.com. Retrieved October 2, 2017.
  62. ^ abMajor League Leaderboards » 2017 » Batters » Plate Discipline Statistics FanGraphs Baseball
  63. ^'Joey Votto Stats - Baseball-Reference.com'. Baseball-Reference.com. Retrieved October 1, 2018.
  64. ^Baseball America Press Release (October 5, 2017). 'From afterthought to foundation of a winner'. Baseball America. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
  65. ^'Marlins' Giancarlo Stanton wins NL MVP Award'. MLB.com. November 16, 2017. Retrieved December 16, 2017.
  66. ^'Joey Votto, Eugenio Suárez, Scooter Gennett to represent Cincinnati Reds as MLB All-Stars'. Cincinnati.com. Retrieved October 1, 2018.
  67. ^[]
  68. ^Ortiz, Jorge (July 2, 2012). 'Reds slugger Joey Votto learns balance and power'. USA Today. Retrieved July 3, 2012.
  69. ^'Joey Votto Stats Baseball-Reference.com'. Baseball-Reference.com. Retrieved June 1, 2018.

External links[edit]

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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Joey Votto.

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  • Career statistics and player information from MLB, or ESPN, or Baseball-Reference, or Fangraphs, or The Baseball Cube, or Baseball-Reference (Minors)
  • Joey Votto career statistics from MILB.com
  • Feature on 1B Joey Votto from MILB.com
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Joey_Votto&oldid=903962711'